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The Study of Green Consumption on Sustainable Development in Taiwan
作者 曾倫崇張永富林佳姿
This study aims at investigating customers' green consumption concept and green consumer behavior. We conducted a questionnaire investigation for data collections. Of the 500 questionnaire survey to customers in Taiwan, 338 valid questionnaires were collected. Then, the method of analysis of variance was adopted to analyze the data collected. It was found that the more consumers are aged, the more environment problems are concerned. The purchasing intention of green consumption is associated with geography, gender, age, education levels and job and different among consumers. For purchase of green products and consumers into account geographical factors are gender, age vary. Characteristics of different consumers to buy green products will differ. Through cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and ANOVA analysis showed that the environmental attitudes of different consumer purchase intention in the green and green product purchasing motivations are different. Different green consumer behavior in the green purchase intention and purchase of green products are different motives.
起訖頁 62-76
關鍵詞 綠色消費購買意願環保態度Green consumptionpurchasing intentionenvironmental attitudes
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201012 (6:2期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 中央銀行獨立性、權責性與透明性機制理論評述
該期刊-下一篇 從關係行銷的觀點探討加油站的企業形象與服務品質對關係品質及顧客忠誠度之影響──以嘉義市加油站為例




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