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亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The criminal justiceand social welfare responses to combat spousal abusein Hong Kon
作者 莫偉賢
This paper provides an overview in local responses in combating spousal abuse in Hong Kong. It first describes various measures from the criminal justice perspectives, including the use of criminal ordinances and the policing policies towards spousal abuse. It then outlines a shift in paradigm from criminal justice to social welfare responses. Next, the paper examines a variety of social welfare responses in assisting victims and offenders in spousal abuse cases. The paper concludes with a discussion about the potential development in local practices in tackling the problem of spousal abuse in Hong Kong. 本文將簡介香港對婚姻暴力的回應方案。首先先介紹香港刑事司法上之刑事法令與警方對婚姻暴力之作為,之後描繪出從刑事司法到社會工作之轉換流程。其次,本文也檢視社會福利機構對婚姻暴力被害人與加害人之協助。最後本文也討論香港未來對改善婚姻暴力方案之趨勢。
This paper provides an overview in local responses in combating spousal abuse in Hong Kong. It first describes various measures from the criminal justice perspectives, including the use of criminal ordinances and the policing policies towards spousal abuse. It then outlines a shift in paradigm from criminal justice to social welfare responses. Next, the paper examines a variety of social welfare responses in assisting victims and offenders in spousal abuse cases. The paper concludes with a discussion about the potential development in local practices in tackling the problem of spousal abuse in Hong Kong.
起訖頁 87-105
關鍵詞 婚姻暴力家庭暴力刑事司法社會福利社會工作spouse abusedomestic violencecriminal justicesocial welfare responses
刊名 亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊  
期數 201407 (10:1期)
出版單位 臺灣家庭暴力與性犯罪處遇協會;中正大學犯罪研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 大學生知覺從原生家庭帶來的傷痛與影響
該期刊-下一篇 花精做為建立治療關係的媒介--以亂倫生存者為例




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