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Child Care Strategies in Postindustrial Societies: A Case Study of Sweden and Spain
作者 黃曉薇
With the increase in the employment of women and their resilience, increases in divorce and cohabitation rates, and the decline in marriage and fertility rates, families in postindustrial society are facing new risks and instability. An emerging challenge, namely how to respond to new risks and the sustainable management of welfare policies, is worth exploring. This paper uses the development of different paths in Sweden and Spain examples to discuss how these countries respond to new risks and how their child care systems are influenced by institutional contexts and political actors. The study revealed that the Swedish government planned to introduce a comprehensive child care system as early as the late 1970s, which would include subsidies, public child care services, and parental leave. Social democratic parties and national feminists played a crucial role in promoting this system. This role, even if influenced by neoliberalism in the 1990s, maintained an old policy base, continues to target gender equality, and encourages fathers to participate in shared care. Spain gradually began to democratize itself after 1975. With the main focus being on avoiding the pitfalls of Franco's authoritarian era, political parties did not pay much attention to family-related policies. Policy planning tends to expand employment and increase the female employment rate. Women theists are also influenced by neoliberalism. They believe that the state should not intervene in family affairs and that related policy planning increases the burden on women. Therefore, it can be observed that Spanish women, in the absence of state support, must seek private resources to form a new alternative to care, such as foreign domestic helpers and grandmother care services, thus creating new gender, class, and ethnic inequalities.
起訖頁 109-152
關鍵詞 兒童照顧政黨性別平等全球照顧鏈外籍幫傭Child CarePolitical PartiesGender EqualityGlobal Care ChainForeign Helpers
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 201912 (15:2期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 我們能做朋友嗎?:反思保護性社會工作的專業關係




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