英文摘要 |
Based on the first-hand data, we illustrate in the paper that ‘乞 khih' is different from the other three dative verbs ‘度 thoo, 傳 tng, 與 hoo' in Quanzhou dialects. The functional word ‘khih', which is mainly passive usuage, is found in all five Quan- zhou sub-dialects we investigated. On the other hand, ‘度 thoo, 傳 tng, 與 hoo' exhibit in different sub-dialects, and they all have developed the causative and passive usages in the sub-dialects they belong. In the paper, we argue that ‘khih' and ‘thoo, tng, hoo' differ in their original meanings, the former means ‘to beg', and the latter is ‘to give', and they also have undergone separate paths of grammaticalization, which leads to the near complementary distribution of their usages. |