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國立臺灣大學哲學論評 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Metaphysical and Moral Status of Human Embryos
作者 孫效智
Exploring the metaphysical and moral status of human embryo, one of the most fundamental questions underlying many significant bioethical issues, this essay is divided into four parts. It is firstly to be shown that not only the traditional moral controversy surrounding abortion but also that of the most cutting-edge researches of embryonic stem cell and human cloning can not be properly dealt with without first addressing the question of the metaphysical and moral status of human embryo. Secondly, the meaning of the question will be precisely defined so that the discussion can be rightly focused. The metaphysical part of the question is concerned with the issue whether human embryo is an entity with personhood, i.e. whether it is at the same time a human person. The second part is accordingly the moral question whether a human embryo has the dignity of a person and therefore shall be treated as an end by itself and not as only a means, which again means whether it is morally wrong to kill human embryos for the sake of the welfare of humankind. The main arguments for and contra the personhood of human embryos are presented in the third part after a comprehensive account of personhood is offered as a basis for the discussion. Different arguments such as speciesism, identity, continuity, potentiality and, last but not least, benefit of the doubt-argument are evaluated and appealed to. The thesis arrived at is that human embryos are persons or at least shall be treated as persons when the antithesis is not sufficiently and well grounded. The fourth and last part concludes the essay withthe claim that in normal situations it is immoral to kill human embryos for the progress of the medicine and the welfare of the mankind.
起訖頁 41-85
關鍵詞 人類胚胎桑椹胚囊胚人類複製位格物種主義同一性連續性潛能同卵雙胞胚胎融合孤雌生殖胚胎幹細胞謹慎論證Human embryomorulablastocysthuman cloningpersonspeciesismidentitycontinuitypotentialitytwinningfusionparthenogenesisembryonic stem cellbenefit of the doubt-argument
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 200710 (34期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 意義與意向是次性嗎?──萊特的依賴判斷理論之評析
該期刊-下一篇 荀子哲學研究之解構與建構:以中日學者之嘗試與「誠」概念之探討為線索




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