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The Fired Horse Stables - Searching again 'The Analects' 'The stable being burned done, when Confucius was at court, on his return he said,' Has anyone been hurt?' He did not ask about the horses'
作者 謝予騰
The stable being burned done, when Confucius was at court, on his return he said, 'Has anyone been hurt?' He did not ask about the horses' has since the ancient times the main three different sentences and phrases way, its discusses the crucial question, is mentioned to 'The Theory Of Salt And Iron', Confucius whether 'the honored person inexpensive livestock' question response - This issue is fundamentally related to the discussion of the life issues of 'human and animal life' in Confucius and even in the entire Confucianism. Although had the multitudinous articles, has the discussion regarding this section of writing, but its discussion content on basic is unable to develop is different with 'the honored person inexpensive livestock' the beside possibility, although creates this section of writing to discuss the animal and one of human life subject representatives for the Confucianist thought in, but there is no way to get bigger, more multivariate to develop. This article attempts to return to original state the space and time background which at that time the horse stable caught fire, discussed 'The analects‧Xiang dang' in this section of records, Confucius had the possibility was faces with any type manner or the idea, also or had any type situation immediately, let Confucius choose such the question is asked, and penetrated these discussions, will attempt to Confucianism facing the future globalization thought impact, gave one to be different with the passing interpretational way and the possibility.
起訖頁 41-61
關鍵詞 孔子論語廄焚問馬儒學AnalectsConfuciusThe Fired Horse StablesConfucianism
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 201906 (28期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 近二十年來日本學者郭店《老子》之研究
該期刊-下一篇 早期的中德外交關係述論




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