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A Study of the Relationship between Family Socio-Economic Status (SES) and Academic Achievement: Using Academic Development Self-Efficacy as Mediator Variable
作者 邱仕凱
本研究探討不同家庭社經地位的國中生,是否透過學業自我效能對學業成就產生影響。採取調查研究法並以立意取樣方式選擇臺北市某完全中學國中部九年級男生53人,女生51人,共104人進行施測。統計方法以SPSS 20.0版進行描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關與點二系列相關、獨立樣本T檢定、多元迴歸與徑路分析。研究結果發現:(1)家庭社經地位與學業發展自我效能,和學業成就達顯著正相關;(2)不同家庭社經地位對學業成就存在差異,其中第四等級對第二等級達顯著差異;(3)家庭社經地位會直接影響學業成就,也會透過學業發展自我效能間接影響學業成就,但直接效果遠大於間接效果。最後針對研究結果,提出相關的建議。
This study examined whether academic self-efficacy has influence over the academic achievements of middle school students of different family social statuses. The research methodology adopted in this study was the survey research method, while the research participants were chosen based on purposive sampling. 53 boys and 51 girls (a total of 104 students) were drawn from Grade 9 of the junior high school section of a six-year high school in Taipei City for the study. The statistical methods used in this study were descriptive statistics using SPSS 20.0, Pearson correlation and Point-Biserial correlation coefficient, Independent Sample T-Test, multiple regression, and path analysis. The research results revealed that: 1. there is a significant positive correlation between family socioeconomic status and academic development self-efficacy and educational achievement; 2. there is a difference between the different family socioeconomic status and academic achievement, more specifically there is a significant difference in the fourth level and the second level; 3. family socioeconomic status directly influences the academic achievement, as well as indirectly influence their academic achievement through academic development self-efficacy, but the direct effect much greater than the indirect effect. Finally, the study will provide relevant recommendations based on its research findings.
起訖頁 59-120
關鍵詞 家庭社經地位學業發展自我效能學業成就中介效果family socioeconomic statusacademic development self-efficacyacademic achievementmediator effect
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201811 (40期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 高雄市教保服務人員教保專業成長現況與需求之調查研究
該期刊-下一篇 測驗向度數評估方法的比較




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