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Ye Lang's Perspective on The Aesthetic Interpretation of "Lao Zi"
作者 葉若潔
This research deliberates about the interpretations of Ye Lang on Lao Zi. Ye regards Lao Zi as the birth of Chinese aesthetics. In his opinion, the pre-Qin period, Western Han and Eastern Han dynasties are the starting point of the development of Chinese aesthetics. He defines the category of Chinese aesthetics as "aesthetic intention" rather than "aesthetic theory" or "aesthetic concept". As regards Lao Zi, Ye Lang focuses on the concepts of "Tao, Qi, Xiang", defining the five properties of "Tao", which are "primeval chaos", "creation of all", "non-existence of will", " self-motion", and "unification of nothing and ens". He also explains the fact that "Tao", "Qi", and "Xiang" generate changes such as "with", "without ","false" and "true", as well as the development in "beauty", "delicacy" and "flavor". In the end, one reaches the highest level of observation is to get rid of one's ignorance, bias and superstition beliefs to clear the mind and allow it be tranquil and serene, just the clean surface of a mirror without any impurities or pollution.
起訖頁 153-182
關鍵詞 葉朗老子道德經中國美學YelangLao ZiTao De ChingChinese Aesthetics
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201805 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 四個試題反應模式的整體能力與領域能力估計精確性之比較研究




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