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The Predictive Power of Learner Factors on English Achievement in Regard to Taiwanese University EFL Learners
作者 張秀穗
This study investigated the predictive power of learner background factors (gender, initial time for English learning, and college) and affective factors [English language anxiety (ANX) and attitudes toward the learning situation (ALS)] on university EFL students' English achievement (ENG). Totally, 750 questionnaires were distributed to the students enrolled in the Freshman English course in Fall 2015 in a public university in northern Taiwan; 679 questionnaires were obtained. The response rate achieved 90.53 percent. Data from 194 male and 404 female local Taiwanese students with complete information concerning the variables were analyzed. Regression analyses revealed the following results. First, learner background factors predict ANX; the starting time and gender are significant predictors for ANX. Second, the college is a determinant of ALS. Third, both the starting time and the college were found to significantly predict ENG. Fourth, both ANX and ALS are good predictors for ENG, but in comparison, ANX is a better predictor for ENG. Moreover, it was demonstrated that ANX and ALS, each partially mediates between the background variables and ENG. Notably, the total predictive power of ANX and ALS is about two times of that of the background factors. The findings from the study highlighted the importance of affective factors, which offers implications for English teaching and policy making.
起訖頁 1-49
關鍵詞 學習者因素英語語言焦慮對學習情境之態度自評英語成就Learner FactorsEnglish Language AnxietyAttitudes toward the Learning SituationSelf-Rated English Achievement
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201711 (38期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 從數學教師學習社群探討專業對話




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