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A Case Study on the Analysis of Posting Culture in the Web-based Community
作者 陳良瑋周保男
This study aimed to investigate the ideology of gender, age, race and class appeared in web users' postings. Content analysis as a major research method in the study was used to examine the purpose of web users' postings and potential ideologies hidden in the postings. Research targets were the most discussed 12 articles posted between 16 February, 2014 and 22 February, 2014 and between 9 March, 2014 and 15 March, 2014. Research focus of content analysis was the content of web postings and replying postings. The results showed that the ideology of gender, age, race and class were all reproduced in the postings. Regarding the occurrence frequency, the gender, race and class were common ideologies. In terms of postings related to the topics of the gender and race, strong criticisms appeared in the sarcastic postings. Based on the findings, implications for educators and future research were also provided.
起訖頁 53-79
關鍵詞 酸民文化網路社群意識型態Sarcastic comment cultureWeb-based communityIdeology
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201511 (34期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 師資培育教育專業表現指標之建構研究
該期刊-下一篇 我國研究生之研究不當行為的調查研究




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