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A Preliminary Study on Mathematic Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment for Kindergarten Children
作者 林葙葙 (Shang-Shang Lin)林娟如
The purpose of this study is to develop a Mathematic Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment for kindergarten children (MCDA-KC) and to analyze the mathematic cognitive attributes of the individuals. The MCDA-KC focuses on children's informal mathematic abilities on positive integers less than 20, and it includes four learning aspects-counting, comparison, addition, and subtraction, and contains five cognitive attributes-concrete representation, iconic representation, number representation, composition and decomposition of 10, and base ten number concept. The convenience sampling had been used in this study. Sixty-five kindergarten children from two private preschools in Taoyuan County had taken the test. According to the item analysis, the MCDA-KC is tend to be easy for kindergarten children, but is suitable for the purpose of the cognitive diagnostic assessment. Cronbach α is .713 which indicates good internal consistency reliability of the MCDA-KC. Spearman's rank correlation shows that there is a moderate, positive correlation between the test and teacher's rating, and the scores of children within different teacher's rating groups were significantly different in one-way ANOVA. These results reveal that the test has evidences of good criterion-related validity. In summary, the MCDA-KC has good reliability and validity and is easy to use and has diagnostic function, and it can provide cognitive diagnostic information for kindergarten teachers and parents.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 數學認知診斷評量幼兒園大班mathematicscognitive diagnostic assessmentkindergarten
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201411 (32期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 以拓延建構理論為基礎探討感恩教學對國小學生問題解決、憂鬱、生命意義感的影響




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