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Study on the Construction of Gender Equity Curriculum Evaluation Indicators in Junior High School
作者 林香河陳國彥 (Kuo-Yen Chen)
The curriculum of gender equity education and the quality of instruction have become an important parts of the development of course design since Ministry of Education has revised the outline of gender equity education in nine-year integrated curriculum. Thus, the gender equity education curriculum evaluation has emphasized on the development of course. The purpose of the study mainly constructed indicators for the evaluation of gender equity education in junior high school, in which scholars and experts joined to complete the event fully. Accordingly, the research consequences could be the reference for those engaged in the events of gender equity education. The research method used was firstly to obtain the rational of gender equity education in junior high school which roughly constructed the evaluation indicators of curriculum. Secondly, a total of eighteen experts participated three run questionnaires with Delphi technique to develop the gender equity curriculum indicators finally via qualitative and quantitative analyses. The research results suggest that the gender equity curriculum indicators could be divided into four categories: curriculum planning, curriculum design, curriculum practice and performance evaluation, in which includes fourteen dimensions and forty-five indicators. The study finally also presents the suggestion and future works based on the research results.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 性別平等教育課程性別平等教育課程評鑑性別平等教育課程評鑑指標gender equity curriculumgender equity curriculum evaluationgender equity curriculum indicators
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201305 (29期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 應用情境學習於國小五年級網路隱私安全教育之成效研究




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