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Martin Heidegger論科技及其教育意義
Martin Heidegger on Technology and Its Implications of Education
作者 楊洲松
本文旨在透過理論分析的方式,探討德國哲學家Heidegger存有論的科技觀點及其教育意義。首先,Heidegger指出了科技的本質是解蔽,現代科技的本質則是一種「框架」(Gestell, enframing)的解蔽,其強求自然萬物成為儲存物而皆為人所用,而將人類送上了危險的命運之途上。要拯救存有的危險,就必須回到科技的藝術特徵,透過對語言與詩的思考,重新發現存有賴以安身立命的世界。雖然Heidegger被批評有實體主義、非歷史主義與單向度主義的傾向,但仍具有相當教育上的意涵可供參考。其包括有:1.人與科技的互補,並強調師生之間的人與人的互動關係;2.建立在相互主體性基礎之上的存有論觀點的教育科技設計;3.教育需要詩性活動以超克「框架」,重新尋回存有的意義;4.教育即解蔽的隱喻,協助學生發現自己在世存有的定位。
Through theoretical approach, this paper aims at analyzing Martin Heidegger's ontological concerning about technology and its implications of education. Firstly, Heidegger points out that technology is a mode of revealing. Technology comes to presence in the realm where revealing and unconcealment take place, where alètheia happens. And the revealing that rules in modern technology is a challenging called 'Gestell' (Enframing), which puts to nature the unreasonable demand that it supply energy which can be extracted and stored as such. Secondly, Though Heidegger's concerning essence of technology was called substantivism, ahistoricism and one-dimensionalism, its implications of education are: 1.complementarity between man and technology; 2.ontological designing about educational technology; 3.poetizing activity in education; 4.the metaphor of education as revealing.
起訖頁 1-27
關鍵詞 海德格科技教育Heideggertechnologyeducation
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201105 (25期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 從Grossman的反思層次來分析學生的行動反思內涵




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