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To Play or to Bully-A Study into the Experience of Sexual Bullying among Senior Students at Elementary School in Taiwan
作者 張榮顯楊幸真
This study explores the power relation and power executing between sexual bulling doers and their takers of senior male student at elementary school and the relation between sexual bulling experience and masculinity in the perspective of gender and qualitative research method. This study hopes to provide deeper understanding of sexual bulling hiding in the normal games, pushes people paying more attentions to the sexual bulling problems in elementary schools, promoting this common practical problem to be taken care in the gender equality education. There are two main findings in the study. First, the power between the doer and taker of sexual bulling is unequal. The superior condition of body, grade and physical strength make some boys became bullies. They are in unequal dominant subordinate relation. The abuse and dependence of power makes some sexual bulling takers become loyal followers and finally sexual bullies. Second, masculinity do influence sexual bulling experiences of these boy. In order to maintain and develop masculinity, sexual bulling is a way to acquire power of control and dominate to establish the position in the peer group, in keeping with hegemonic discourse and practice of masculinity.
起訖頁 41-72
關鍵詞 國小高年級男童性霸凌陽剛特質權力關係senior male students at elementary schoolsexual bullingmasculinitypower relation
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 201011 (24期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 幼稚園資深教師的親職教育專業知識發展歷程之敘事探究
該期刊-下一篇 國民中小學整合性績效管理系統之建構:整合學校、校長與教師評鑑之概念模式




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