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Special Issue: Contemporary Haunting: How Ghosts Reconfigure Space, Memory, and the State in East Asia
Special Issue: Contemporary Haunting: How Ghosts Reconfigure Space, Memory, and the State in East Asia
作者 Dj Hatfield (Dj Hatfield)
The three articles in this collection all approach haunting as a contemporary phenomenon. In a sense, such an approach is paradoxical: as evident in the English verb, haunting refers to the persistence of the past; it denotes a set of habitual spaces and repressed but ever-present memories. However, it is in this sense of an accretion of memories, habits, and stances in space that ghosts and haunting offer a unique vantage to explore the making of a lived world, with all of the perils that attend such a task in the present. With their stubborn adherence to a world that human projects would transform, ghosts perform gestures of restraint or refusal. At the very least, they mark a limit, an uncanny sense that, as Marx noted, humans do not make the world as we please. If ghosts seem too light to weigh on our projects “like a nightmare,” we might consider their intermittent presence among us as an uncanny entanglement. And, like the workings of other forms of “occult agency” described in the anthropological literature (Comaroff and Comaroff 1999a; Ferguson 2006; Geschiere 1997; Jones 2012; Moore and Sanders 2001; Weiss 1996; Weller 2001), haunting provides a culturally specific means to distribute responsibility. Through their entanglement with space, memory, and action, ghosts thus figure in the ways that those who engage with them give form to their relationships with themselves and their responsibilities to others, what we might call an ethical imagination.
起訖頁 1-12
刊名 考古人類學刊  
期數 201112 (75期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人類學系
該期刊-下一篇 「鬼母找女婿」:鬼、三片壁、與貪婪的研究




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