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The Formation of the Modal Adverbs Occurring Frequently in Adversative Clauses
作者 張麗麗
In Chinese there are some modal adverbs occurring frequently in adversative clauses, such as Pian, Pian pian, Jing, Jing ran and Juran. This paper is going to explore their developments and the formation of the bond with the adversative clause. According to our historical observation, they were all regrammaticalized from the adverbs with the function of "distinguishing" and it's this function which made them appear in adversative environments and hence absorb the adversative meaning from the context. This kind of development is quite similar to the histories of adversative linking words in Chinese and their historical paths can also be found on the semantic map of adversative markings based on cross-linguistic researches. The close connection between modal adverbs and complex sentences might due to the reason that they can functionally reinforce each other and are both quite active in epistemic and speech-act domains. Since the original meanings have a continuous influence on the following usages, the syntactic difference among the five adverbs can also be well explained from the historical point of view.
起訖頁 191-230
關鍵詞 語氣副詞轉折句轉折性關聯詞語義地圖Modal AdverbsAdversative SentencesAdversativityLinking wordsSemantic map
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201812 (63期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從問題到研究:中國「三十年代文藝」在臺灣(1966-1987)




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