英文摘要 |
The aims of this study were to compile a resource list for plant and vegetation information in Yuli Wildlife Refuge and to analyze the environmental factors affecting vegetation differentiation. The inventory of vascular plants found 604 species in 296 genera, and 114 families. Among which, 59 species were rare in Taiwan. The 98 woody vegetation plots each in 250 m^2, 20 shrub plots each in 100 m^2 and 12 herbaceous plots each in 4 m^2 were surveyed and 6 environmental factors were evaluated. The results show the woody vegetation was classified into 8 types and 7 subtypes by the two way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) and the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), they were Alnus formosana type, Carpinus rankanensis type, Chamaecyparis formosensis type (Machilus japonica-Chamaecyparis formosensis subtype, Chamaecyparis formosensis-Trochodendron aralioides subtype, and Cyclobalanopsis morii-Neolitsea acuminatissima subtype), Tsuga chinensis type (Tsuga chinensis-Chamaecyparis formosensis subtype, and Eurya glaberrima-Tsuga chinensis subtype), Pinus taiwanensis type (Pinus taiwanensis-Rhododendron rubropilosum subtype, Pinus taiwanensis subtype), Salix fulvopubescens type, Juniperus formosana-Juniperus morrisonicola type, and Abies kawakamii type. By the same means, the shrub vegetation was classified into 3 types, namely Pinus taiwanensis-Pieris taiwanensis type, Juniperus formosana type, and Berberis kawakamii type. The herbaceous vegetation was classified into Carex liuii type, Yushania niitakayamensis type, and Carex breviculmis-Miscanthus sinensis type. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) show that altitude, slope, and aspect were related significantly to the composition of woody vegetation. However, altitude, whole light sky space, topography, and slope were related significantly to the composition of shrub vegetation, and altitude and whole light sky space were related significantly to the composition of herbaceous vegetation. |