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The Study on the Scope of the “Silver Molding Street" and the Context of the Goldsmiths in Tainan City at the Preliminary Period of Japanese Colonization
作者 陳怡君 (Yi-Chun Chen)邱上嘉 (Shang-Chia Chiou)
The connection between the business in Tainan City and its local streets was inseparable in the period of Qing Dynasty. The conglomeration of business was proliferated by the hustling and bustling of the local streets, and this region would evolve into new thoroughfares, afterward, the district would be named after the business in that particular region. The study used the historical research to probe the cluster district for the goldsmith in Tainan City called the “Silver Molding Street” from the period of late Qing Dynasty to the early era of Japanese colonization. The first census conducted in Qing Dynasty was used by this study and the year of the census was dated from Meiji the 38th year to Taisho the 3rd year (October 1905 to 1914), and so as the book for the household registration which was under the jurisdiction of Nishiki-cho and Honmachi police stations from the era of Taisho the 8th year to Showa the 3rd year of Japanese colonization was used as a foundation for the study. After looking into the book of household registration, the methods of historical research and literature survey were conducted in order to analyze the scope of the “Silver Molding Street”, the business settlement, the context of goldsmith population and the prosperity of goldsmith. According to the result of the study, the “Silver Molding Street” was located in the house number D-660 to 770, D-830 to 840 and house number E-614 to 650, E-700 to 720, not until the era of Japanese colonization, the house number was later changed to Shirokanechō, section 3, number 1 to 166, a total of 91 households. In the Japanese colonial era, the actual number of goldsmith resided in the “Silver Molding Street” was 19. Among 134 goldsmiths who used to work as goldsmith in that district, most of them were Taiwanese which occupied almost 92% of the total goldsmith population, on the contrary, Japanese and Chinese goldsmith population only occupied about 8%. The result of the study has proven that the luxury lifestyle of the plebeians in Tainan city at that time and at the same time, the result had verified that the district was an important gathering area for traditional goldsmith during that period, despite the small range of the district, hence, the soul for precipitating the “Silver Molding Street” into a prosperous district in Tainan city was the goldsmith. The “Silver Molding Street” posed a significant as well as a priceless historical value to the city of Tainan, and it had also proved that the traditional goldsmith of this district had established a golden era in the history of Taiwan. The reason that the costly gold craft could be prolonged for hundreds of years was all resulted from the lifestyle of Taiwanese ancestors and most importantly, it was the conglomeration of local business which nourished the vital motivation of the hundred-year cornerstone of gold crafting industry in Tainan. The preservation of the traditional business region is as meaningful as the reproduction of the traditional business. 清領時期,臺南市產業與市街有著密不可分的關係。商街促使產業群聚,產業群聚的地方又發展為新的市街,最後,產業名稱也逐漸轉化為街名。本研究以歷史研究法探討清末至日治初期臺南市金匠聚集的著名產業區域「打銀街」。本研究以最接近清領時期的第一次人口普查,明治38年至大正3年(1905年10月-1914年),及大正8年至昭和3年日治時期錦町、本町派出所管轄的戶口調查簿為基礎。進行戶口調查簿閱覽後,以歷史研究、文獻調查法,分析當時打銀街產業區域的範圍、從業聚落、金匠人口脈絡、金工榮景。根據研究結果顯示:當時打銀街的區域範圍坐落於:丁660號至770號、丁830號至840號、戊614號至650號、戊700號至720號範圍之間,到了日治時期及更名為:白金町3丁目1號至166號之間,共91戶;日治初期實際坐落於打銀街上的金匠共19人。曾經在打銀街從業過的金匠人數共134人,其中以臺灣人最多,占當時從業金匠總人口數的92%;日本與中國金匠僅占總數的8%。本研究結果除了見證當時台南庶民的奢華氣息,也證實打銀街雖然街道不長,卻是當時傳統金匠的重要聚集區,台南傳統金匠是促成打銀街產業街區繁榮的重要靈魂人物。「打銀街」不僅對臺南具有無價的歷史意義,也證實臺灣傳統金匠在這個街區打造輝煌的一頁。貴金屬工藝之所以能歷經百年延續,除了臺灣先人的生活習慣之外,產業街區的群聚發展是造就金工產業在臺南百年基石的重要動力。傳統產業街區不止具有保護意義,也具備再現的價值。
起訖頁 19-40
關鍵詞 臺南市打銀街金匠日治初期The Preliminary Period of Japanese ColonizationTainan CitySilver Molding StreetGoldsmiths
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201712 (16期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 衍生式建模應用於初期台灣省能建築設計
該期刊-下一篇 學習風格、設計與思考模式與操作手法對於建築設計學習成效之影響




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