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Achieving Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Modernism Architecture Heritage - The Case of the Library of the Institute of European and American Studies in Academia Sinica
作者 潘玟璇邱韻祥 (Yun-Shang Chiou)
Improving the energy efficiency of heritage buildings should be undertaken carefully to preserve a building's original characteristics and values. The main purpose of this research was to develop a method, using eQUEST, to determine what was the main reason that caused high energy consumption and CO2 emission of modernism heritage building located in a subtropical climate. The Library of the Institute of European and American Studies of Academia Sinica (IEAS) in Taipei, Taiwan was used as a study case. The building was known as one of the most outstanding architectural works of Taiwan in the 1970s and was selected for the 30 most representative buildings in Taiwan after the WWII. Building energy simulation can analyze the energy consumption for heritage building and effectively improve the overall efficiency design. After experimental investigation, four energy-saving strategies were investigated. Furthermore, the proposed methodology has highlighted that even small interventions can give important results in the comfort improvement and in the reduction of energy consumption in IEAS building. This method allowed preserving IEAS library's character. In conclusion, reconsidering how carbon emission reductions of heritage buildings are conceptualized is important. In addition, energy simulation is crucial for future emission reductions.
起訖頁 31-49
關鍵詞 文化遺產建物圖書館建築效能熱舒適建築耗能模擬LibraryEnergy EfficiencyThermal ComfortBuilding Energy Simulation
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201706 (15期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 建築物避難區規劃模擬研究




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