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An Accessibility Study of Elevator Braille System in Chiang Mai Province, Thailand
作者 曾亮 (Liang Tseng)
In Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, elevator equipment in public buildings was studied, to explore the establishment of barrier-free elevator equipment. Accessibility norms for elevator equipment were investigated, such as keyboard configuration mode, arrow keys, key opening, warning key, and floor indicators. Field surveys were conducted and data were analyzed for three purposes: 1) Chiang Mai Braille elevator accessibility systems analysis; 2) forms of Braille including digital Braille; and 3) to what extent elevators meet Thai building accessibility requirements for Universal Design. Sixteen public building elevators were examined. Results show: 1) three-stage keyboard configuration (90% for both AFOH); 2) English Braille 17%, Chinese Braille 5%, Korean Braille 5%, absence of Braille 68% (5% no distinction between up and down keys; and 3) 75% in Braille with the location beneath the keyboard. 本文針對泰國清邁府公共建築內無障礙電梯設備點字貼片為主,分別依電梯按鍵配置、上下鍵、開關鍵、警示鍵、樓層鍵等五大類,進行實地調查作業;研究目的:(一)依據泰國建築物無障礙設電梯點字設施規範,進行彙整及比對(二)認知電梯點字所使用之語言系統(三)瞭解電梯點字之設計、使用、施工作等層面做分析與比較,並提出通用設計理念。經由實地調查泰國清邁府之公共建築物計有電梯16棟,結果顯示:(一)鍵盤配置方式採用三段式之AFOh方式有90%。(二)以【上】按鍵之點字字義為例採用:英文點字17.0%,大陸點字5.0%,韓文點字5.0%,未設點字68.0%(另有5.0%沒有上下鍵區分)。(三)點字貼片及位置以按鍵下方75%。研究成果提供國內無障礙電梯點字法規修改之參考。
起訖頁 29-43
關鍵詞 清邁府點字系統通用設計Chiang Mai ProvinceBraille Signage SystemUniversal Design
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201506 (11期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 購物中心走廊設置設計的重要因素:印尼購物中心的研究
該期刊-下一篇 中文單音節語音之清晰度與聲場雙耳互函數關連性




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