中文摘要 |
A structure made of reinforced concrete situated on the campus of the Nanjing University of Technology in China has been preserved as an historic artefact by the local government. This unique, umbrella-shaped, concrete structure was built in 1910 and represents a very early example of reinforced concrete in China. With the planned extension of a neighbouring building came the challenge of moving the structure 30m to a new location without damaging it. This posed a challenge given its age and lack of information about its construction. A number of moving methods were proposed and after careful consideration a decision was made to cut the structure from its original base and lift it, via a two stage lift, to its new location. This required sensitive design of the temporary structure to facilitate a safe lifting and moving process as well as consideration of the joint design. In this article the key joint design suitable for the separation, lifting and installation onto a new base are described. Principles of self-anchored and shear pin technology were applied in the design of the joint. Two-way orthogonal steel beams, which were subsequently embedded in new cast concrete base, were designed to accommodate the loads during the lifting process. The historic structure was successfully moved, via a two stage lift, to its new location, now the challenge turns to the maintenance of the ageing artifact.
位於中國南京工業大學校園內的一棟鋼筋混凝土建物被當地政府機關指定為歷史建物。這棟建於1910年的獨特傘狀混凝土建築,是中國非常早期的鋼筋混凝土構造實例。面臨鄰近建物即將興土擴建,必須在不造成損害的前提下將該歷史建物搬遷至30米外的新址。此項工程的挑戰來自於該建物年代久遠且營建資料不足。在審慎評估過幾個搬遷方案後,決定將建築主體切離其原有基礎,用二階段吊裝法由原址吊起並移至新址。此工法須謹慎設計臨時支撐結構,方能安全抬起建物並執行搬遷步驟,此外還須詳加考慮接頭的設計。本文描述針對將主建物與其基礎分離所作的關鍵接頭設計,和建物吊裝、搬進並安裝於新基礎的過程。接頭設計應用了自錨原理和剪力榫技術。搬遷過程中利用雙向直角鋼樑承載主體建物,再將該鋼構面嵌入成為新混凝土基礎的一部份。最後該歷史建物順利地以二階段吊裝法移至新址,接下來要面對的挑戰就是如何維護這棟老舊的古蹟了。 |