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Evaluating the Teaching of Sustainability Concepts in Detailed Design: A Case Study
作者 耶茲契歐魯古斯
Environmental and economic sustainability, which is very basically rational use of natural resources and energy, is one of the most crucial matters of our time. Knowledge and skills on energy efficient building design regarding the whole life cycle of building are required qualifications of today's architectural designing practice. Building envelope is comprised of outer elements of building which shape its overall energy and environmental performance. Therefore, elements, components and materials of building envelopes, their junctions and interrelations, and their interactions with exposure environment, should be carefully studied when considering long-term performances and service lives. To meet the global challenges for sustainability in the construction industry, a growing trend is observed in recent years for educating and training architecture students as competent design professionals which turn out to be the main objective of architecture schools through their revised strategies and programs towards a more environmentally conscious building design. An attempt is made to structure and develop a new approach for sustainable building envelope design studies within the context of the undergraduate course ”Building Element Design” in the Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul Technical University (ITU). The study model is based on a workshop involving brainstorming exercises, panel discussions and assignments, as well as student performance appraisals. The appraisals are primarily based on the analysis of given detailed building envelope drawings which are generated considering different climatic regions of Turkey. It was found that the attempt is useful in ITU conditions in some aspects as most of the students explained how they integrate sustainability concepts into their designs on a section drawing of their individual designs successfully. In this paper, the details and the outputs of this practical application are presented and discussed. 合理的使用天然資源與能源以達成環境與經濟之永續性是我們這個世代最關鍵之問題之一。一併考慮整個生命週期的節能設計知識與技巧,乃是今日實施建築設計所需資格。建築物外層是由建築物外部構件所組成,決定了所有的能源與環境效能。因此,當顧及到長期效能與服務生命時,須更謹慎研究建築物外層構件之元素、元件與材料,他們的組合以及相互關係以及與接觸環境之互動。為了在建築業永續發展所面臨之全球性挑戰,近幾年所觀察到之成長趨勢乃在教育與訓練建築系學生,使其能夠成為更專業之設計師,而這也是建築學校之主要目標,透過修正其教學策略與計畫,使其能邁向更具環保概念之建築設計。伊斯坦堡科技大學之建築系研究所之課程內容,建築物元素設計,為了永續建築物之維護,建構之設計研究嘗試建構與發展新的方法。研究模式乃建構在工作營模式,包含腦力激盪練習,小組討論和作業,以及學生表現的評價。評價主要建立於所給予詳細之建築物維護結構圖面分析,其對於土耳其不同氣候區域產生一些看法。而土耳其大學這樣的做法就土耳其某部分而言,大部分學生提到他們如何成功地將永續概念整合到他們個人的部分設計圖稿。此實務之運用也在本文中提出並加以討論。
起訖頁 69-86
關鍵詞 建築細節教育永續性研討會Architectural DetailingEducationSustainabilityWorkshops
刊名 Architecture Science  
期數 201106 (3期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 英國之低碳住宅施工之分析




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