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Q & A: Wu Ming-Yi
Q & A: Wu Ming-Yi
作者 Wu Ming-Y
Ex-position (shortened as EXP hereafter): As indicated in our call for papers, this feature topic was intended to reflect on the now thriving program of world literature. Its champions have been assertive about what they take as an indisputable fact, that is, all literature is world literature. The truth is, since a defining keyword of this program is “circulation,” it is difficult not to read commercial overtones into its (promotional) discourse. It is difficult not to notice how its core vocabulary is amenable to the capitalist logic of expansion, freedom of movement, and openness of the market. We hope to call attention to writers who do not have such a world in mind in their creative process. We would like to see if there are writers who are not concerned about stepping outside their place of origin, literally and figuratively. It is probably counterintuitive to bracket you and your work within this framework of discussion, given the status you have, well deservedly, earned abroad. What we propose here is that you reflect on the proposition of our feature topic as a writer and as a scholar: How would a writer's awareness of—or anxiety over or expectations toward—“the world” affect his or her self-positioning?
起訖頁 137-145
刊名 Ex-position  
期數 201906 (41期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 On the Third Hand: Why to taiwan World Literature
該期刊-下一篇 Compromises in Translating Wu Ming-Yi's Uncompromising Localism




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