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The King Of Soccer Lee Wai Tong and Shanghai(1924-1930)
作者 嚴昊
李惠堂先生是中華民國享譽世界、聞名中外的著名足球運動員、教練、體育活動家,一生都在為推廣全民體育、實現體育救國、體育強國而奮鬥。其運動生涯雖然發軔於香港,成名於上海。在大陸時期,李惠堂與上海足球結下了不解之緣,甚至不乏戲劇性情節。上海由於開埠甚早,因此受喜愛足球的西方人士影響,現代足球之濫觴不晚於香港,然而足球發展水平卻較後者略遜一籌。隨著李惠堂的北上,效力樂華,擔任復旦大學體育系主任,上海足球有了質的飛躍,在李惠堂的親身提倡與建言之下,滬上足球由崇尚華麗虛浮走向了實用,李惠堂也成為上海球迷心目中的「球大王」。在上海李惠堂完成了自己的第一本足球理論著作,甚至在足球之外的汽車、電影界亦有涉足。雖然此後李氏因故返港,但上海球迷對於李惠堂卻依依不捨。當然,在上海期間,也存在一些不和諧因素,一些小報對於李氏不乏憑空想像、信口開河的無端指責。 Mr. Lee Waitong is a famous football player, coach and sports activist in the Republic of China, which is well-known throughout the world and is famous all over the world. He has been striving for the promotion of sports for the whole nation, the achievement of sports to save the nation, and sports. Although his sports career originated in Hong Kong, he became famous in Shanghai. During the mainland period, Lee Waitong and Shanghai football have forged a deep bond, even with dramatic plots. Because Shanghai was very early in its development, it was influenced by westerners who love football. The origins of modern football were not later than Hong Kong, but the level of football development was slightly inferior to that of the latter. With Lee Waitong's going northward and being in Lehua, he served as the director of the Department of Physical Education at Fudan University. Shanghai Football has made a qualitative leap. Under Lee Waitong's personal advocacy and suggestions, Shanghai's football has become a practical one by advocating gorgeousness and vanity. It has also become the "ball king"in the eyes of Shanghai fans. Lee Waitong in Shanghai completed his first book on football theory. Even football and film industry outside football have also got involved. Although Lee Waitong to Hong Kong afterwards for some reason, Shanghai fans were reluctant to Li Huitang. Of course, there were also some discordant factors in Shanghai. Some tabloids had no reason for Lee's unwarranted fantasies of imagining and opening his mouth.
起訖頁 111-134
關鍵詞 李惠堂上海足球體育Lee Wai TongShanghaiSoccerSport
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201903 (6期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 試論清朝前期文化政策對宗教政策的影響
該期刊-下一篇 Harold M.Tanner Where Chiang Kai-Shek lost China : The Liao-Shen campaign,1948讀後──關鍵轉折抑或歷史的必然?




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