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On the Influence of Culture Policy on Religious Policy in the Early Qing Dynasty
作者 邱怡靜
滿族,以少數民族身分入主中原,要在以漢人為主的環境中建立政權,若無可以取信於漢族的統治政策,在政權尚未穩固之前,可能很快就會被逐出中原。雖然努爾哈齊本人到底還是比較崇尚固有的騎射游牧文化,但為了化解族群間的對立,使滿漢能為一家,惟有制定漢人能夠接受的政策與運用漢文化才是最好的解決之道。因此,努爾哈齊很早就開始以儒家經典訓誡諸貝勒,並任用漢官來處理政事以厚植國力。儒家的治國理念,蘊含三代聖王道統的傳承,尊崇與傳習儒家思想、經典,不僅可以得到廣大漢族士大夫的認同,也有利於治權的穩固。較努爾哈齊了解儒家思想的皇太極,對於漢人的任用明顯增多。而順治皇帝在位期間,則正式制定「崇儒重道」的基本國策,康熙皇帝更是將其確實具體化實施,使「崇儒重道」成為有一清代的基本文化政策與治國綱領。宗教信仰雖能給予人心慰藉,但若有人假宗教名義行悖亂之事,一般愚魯百姓不能辨別善惡,易觸法網,不僅於人心無益,也擾亂社會秩序,對統治者來說並非是適於治國的工具。因此要使百姓能辨別正邪,講求孔孟之學,闢異端、黜邪說,是移風易俗、厚植人心的最佳方法。而取締左道異端以及〈禁止師巫邪術律〉的制訂,則是百姓得以遵從與依循的法律條例。可見,宗教政策也受到文化政策的制約與影響。因此,不論是「崇儒重道」的文化政策或是取締左道異端的宗教政策,都是清朝政府為求社會穩定發展,鞏固統治政權而制訂的政策,同時也反映了滿族認同儒家傳統文化能為他們帶來長治久安、穩定社會的積極作用。 The Manchu to the North China as a minority identity, in order to establish a regime in the Han Chinese environment, if not to win the trust of the Han's ruling policy, before the regime is not stable, may soon be expelled from the North China. Although Nurgaci himself is still more advocating the inherent riding shot nomadic culture, but in order to resolve the opposition between the ethnic groups, Manchu and Han Chinese can be a family, only to formulate the Han Chinese can accept the policy and the use of Han culture is the best way to solve. Therefore, Nurgaci began to teach the beile with Confucian classics very early, and used the Han officials to deal with political affairs to build national strength. The Confucian concept of ruling the country contains the inheritance of the three eras of antiquity, respecting and cultivating Confucianism and classics can not only be recognized by the majority of Han intellectuals, but also conducive to the stability of power. Compared with Nurgaci, Hong Taiji comparison understands the of Confucianism, and his appointment to the Han Chinese has increased significantly. During the reign of Shunzhi Emperor, the basic national policy of 「崇儒重道」(respecting the Confucian Orthodoxy) was formally formulated. Kangxi Emperor also embodied it in a concrete manner, making 「崇儒重道」(respecting the Confucian Orthodoxy) a basic cultural policy and a national program for the Qing Dynasty. Although religious belief can give people consolation, if someone makes a false of rebellion in the name of religion, generally the fools can't distinguish between good and evil, and easy to touch the law. It is not only unhelpful to the people, but also disturbs the social order, and not a tool for governing the country. Therefore, it is necessary to enable the people to distinguish between righteousness and evil, to ask for the study of Confucius and Mencius, 闢異端、黜邪說(combating and ousted heresy) to open up the heresy, and to say that it is the best way to change the customs and the people. The ban on left-wing heresy and 〈禁止師巫邪術律〉 (sorcery ban code) are the laws and regulations that the people can follow and follow. It can be seen that religious policies are also restricted and influenced by cultural policies. Whether it is the cultural policy of 「崇儒重道」(respecting the Confucian Orthodoxy) or the religious policy of banning the left-wing heresy, it is the policy formulated by the Qing government for the stable development.It also reflects the Manchu identity of Confucianism traditional culture can bring them positive effects of long-term stability and stable society.
起訖頁 77-110
關鍵詞 崇儒重道黜邪崇正取締左道異端禁止師巫邪術邪教Respecting the Confucian OrthodoxyCombating and Ousted HeresySorcery Ban CodeBan on Left-Wing HeresyHeretical Ideas
刊名 華岡史學  
期數 201903 (6期)
出版單位 中國文化大學史學研究所暨史學系
該期刊-上一篇 趙與𥲅與臨安府
該期刊-下一篇 一代球王李惠堂與上海(1924-1930)




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