中文摘要 |
本研究採用調查法收集數據,並使用結構方程模式檢驗學生科學探究能力、科學證據概念及科學論證能力的影響關係。研究對象為高雄區高一學生,包含在基測中志願分發其分佈為高、中與低排名的七個高中,共七個班級學生,有效樣本為228人。研究工具為譯自Wenning(2007)的科學探究素養測驗(ScInqLiT)(KR20=.75)、Frey等人(2015)的科學論證能力(KR20=.81)及Gott與Roberts(2008)的證據概念後測(Cronbach's α=.80)(評分相對一致性ICC: Single Measures=.992, Average Measures=.996)等三份測驗。研究結果顯示高一學生的科學探究能力、科學證據概念及科學論證能力之間具有影響關係,且影響徑路模式適配度良好。學生的科學探究能力除了對科學論證能力有顯著直接影響效果外(β=.355, p<.001),也發現科學探究能力對科學證據概念有顯著直接影響效果(β=.362, p<.001),科學證據概念對科學論證能力有顯著直接影響效果(β=.313, p<.001),也就是學生的科學證據概念具有部分的中介效果(β=.113(.313* .362, p<.001)。
This study aims to understand the influences between three variables of high School students' science-thinking abilities: (1) scientific inquiry ability, (2) scientific concept of evidence, and (3) scientific argument ability. As a research method, test surveys were used and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was adopted to verify the three variables. The tests were administered to 228 high, medium, and low achievement students in seven selected high schools in Kaohsiung district. Questionnaires of the three variables were edited by the researchers. Scientific Inquiry Literacy Test(ScInqLiT)was translated from Wenning(2007)(KR20= .75), Test of Scientific Argumentation was translated from Frey et al.(2015)(KR20= .81), Concept of Evidence was translated from Gott & Roberts(2008) (Cronbach's α= .80)(Intraclass Correlation :Single Measures= .992, Average Measures= .996). The results show that students' three abilities are positively correlated (the model fit index shows the model being accepted). However, although students' scientific inquiry ability was shown to have a significant effect on their scientific argument ability(β= .355, p<.001), scientific inquiry ability also shown to have a significant effect on their scientific evidence concept (β= .362, p<.001), scientific evidence concept shown to have a significant effect on their scientific argument ability(β= .313, p<.001), that mean scientific inquiry ability influence on their scientific argument, the effect was enhanced by their scientific assessment of evidence concept. That is, the scientific evidence concept plays a partial mediator role in students' abilities to make a strong argument for their conclusions(β= .113 (.313* .362), p<.001). |