中文摘要 |
受刑人出監後之社會復歸與更生保護議題向為社會所關注之焦點,離開監獄後,將可能面臨社會的歧視、經濟壓力、居無定所、就業困難等各項挑戰,種種原因都可能令其無法復歸社會。現代社會的快速變遷、科技進步,亦可能導致更生人適應不良,使其在更生自新之路上舉步維艱。而蘇格蘭之「離開監禁之路(Routes out of Prison, RooP)」方案,提供短期刑受刑人以生活指導(Life Coaching)為基礎之社區復歸模式,由生命教練(Life Coach)陪伴短期刑之受刑人面對並解決出監後之各項挑戰,並媒合各項政府與社區資源,提供短期刑受刑人復歸社區所需之各項協助,本文淺介蘇格蘭社區處遇制度與「離開監禁之路(RooP)」方案,並針對我國現行之社區處遇制度進行反思。
The issue of rehabilitation of ex-offenders has always been concerned by the society. Financial pressures, homelessness, employment difficulties, breakdown of relationships, all kinds of reasons make it impossible for ex-offenders to return to society smoothly. Routes out of Prison(RooP) is a life coaching project in Scotland that works with prisoners due for release from a short term sentence to support them as they re-join society. The Life Coach accompanied the ex-offenders to cross the difficult barriers after the release. They also mediated various government and community resources to help the ex-offenders. The purpose of this article is to introduce The Routes out of Prison(RooP) Project in Scotland, and reflect on the current community-based treatment system in Taiwan. |