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澄清醫護管理雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Value on Willingness to Recommend Medical Services
作者 蘇秀敏李宜昌
目的:探討中部某區域醫院顧客及員工對於服務品質滿意程度、知覺價值同意程度及推薦行為意願之影響。方法:採用PZB服務品質概念化模式、Sweeney and Soutar知覺價值對推薦行為意願之影響。以某區域醫院的外部及內部顧客為對象,利用問卷調查法,共發出300份,有效問卷為282份,有效回收率94.00%,以SPSS 18進行資料分析。另外,採用Martilla and James提出重要-績效分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis, IPA)探討顧客心目中對於個案醫院服務品質的重視程度及滿意度。結果:顧客對服務品質、知覺價值及推薦行為意願,大致以外部顧客高於內部顧客。對於服務品質期望程度及實際感受皆有不同程度顯著差異。對服務品質的有形性及保證性實際感受滿意度愈高,對推薦行為意願則愈高。知覺價值對推薦行為意願影響具正向影響。在IPA矩陣分析中,外部顧客於有形性及保證性,是必須要加強改善的重點。結論:內部顧客亦是外部顧客也是醫療提供服務者,具有豐富的專業知識,對服務品質更加重視及要求,因此,透過瞭解外部顧客服務品質及知覺價值外,更重要加入內部顧客的部份,建議管理者對於醫療服務品質、知覺價值等充分瞭解其所需求,必須強化正向及積極消除負面服務缺口,建立優質服務品質及增進顧客推薦行為意願。 Purposes: To investigate the effect of customers and employees of a regional hospital in central Taiwan on service quality satisfaction, agreement with perceived value, and willingness to recommend. Methods: The PZB service quality conceptualization model and perceived value according to Sweeney and Soutar were used to determine the effect on customers' willingness to recommend. The questionnaire survey method was employed with external and internal customers at a regional hospital as subjects. A total of 300 questionnaires were issued, and 282 valid questionnaires were recovered, for an effective response rate of 94%. Data were analyzed using SPSS 18. In addition, the importance-performance analysis (IPA) proposed by Martilla and James was used to investigate the importance that customers placed on the service quality of the case hospital and the satisfaction they felt with it. Results: Quality of service, perceived value, and willingness to recommend were generally higher among external customers than among internal customers. There were significant differences between expected levels of service quality and actual perceptions. The higher the actual perceived satisfaction with tangibility and assurance of service quality, the more willing customers were to recommend. Perceived value had a positive impact on willingness to recommend. IPA matrix analysis showed that it was essential to strengthen tangibility and assurance of external customers. Conclusions: Internal customers are also external customers and medical service providers who have a wealth of professional knowledge and place more emphasis and demands on quality of service. Therefore, in addition to understanding external customer service quality and perceived value, the needs of internal customers must also be considered. It is recommended that managers thoroughly understand the need for medical service quality and perceived value. It is necessary to enhance positive and proactive elimination of negative service gaps, establish excellent service quality, and enhance the willingness of customers to recommend services.
起訖頁 33-42
關鍵詞 醫療機構服務品質知覺價值推薦行為意願Medical institutionsService qualityPerceived valueWillingness to recommend
刊名 澄清醫護管理雜誌  
期數 201910 (15:4期)
出版單位 財團法人澄清基金會
該期刊-上一篇 應用影像處理於視網膜光學斷層掃描下自動描繪及測量脈絡膜厚度
該期刊-下一篇 住宿型長期照護機構工作人員對於防火管理的認知、態度與行為之研究──以臺中市大里區為例




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