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作者 張嘉育 (Chia-Yu Chang)林肇基
全球化是世界各國的共通議題,隨著全球及社會問題的複雜度、關連性與決策風險性不斷攀升,其解決方案亦需要不同領域的合作方能有效處理。惟現今全球化環境對跨領域人才的需求難以透過傳統培育人才模式來滿足。大學是最高教育學府,具人才培育之社會責任,但其組成結構衍生學術高度專門化與學科區隔的特質,進而導致高等教育推動跨領域學習的困境。本文旨在釐析跨領域學習概念與常見迷思,進而探討高等教育跨領域學習的設計理念與模式、教學實踐與挑戰,期有助推動與落實高等教育跨領域學習,促進學科間的動態連結,讓原有的學科知識創新,產生新的知識,發展出更佳的問題解決方案,並培育滿足產業需求的跨域人才並為永續發展帶來貢獻。 Globalization has emerged as a key discourse around the world, which impacts the complexity, connectivity, and decision risk of social and global issues. A solution to these may require some possible joining forces and collaboration from multiple disciplines. It becomes that a transdisciplinary learning would be essential for cultivating future talents that should be included in higher education (HE). However, the current structural of HE seems contribute to a hyper-specialization and compartmentalization of disciplines which raises the challenge to promote transdisciplinary learning. This paper attempts to clarify the concepts, explore common myths, and discuss the design concepts, forms, teaching, and challenges to promote the transdisciplinary learning. It aims to help build up it in the HE, to interconnect disciplines to generate new knowledge and/or solution of global issues, as well as to innovate the disciplines. It is also expected that new graduates could be equipped with transversal competencies in meeting the needs of industry and contributing to the future sustainable development.
起訖頁 31-48
關鍵詞 跨領域學習高等教育統整式課程transdisciplinary learninghigher educationintegrated curricula
刊名 課程與教學季刊  
期數 201904 (22:2期)
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺日與臺新交流對小學生跨文化溝通技能之影響
該期刊-下一篇 探究美國STEM與STEAM教育的發展




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