中文摘要 |
貢丸、脆丸、花枝丸及油麵皆係國人膳食中喜好且常購食之豬魚肉煉製品及麵食,這些傳統食品,一般製造業者常添加硼酸及其鹽類以增加其脆度,以迎合一般消費大眾之喜好,食品衛生管理法中規定,硼酸及其鹽酸嚴禁使用於食品中,基層衛生單位亦經常勸導業者勿違規使用。本局為了解市售豬魚肉煉製品及油麵是否仍有違規使用硼酸及其鹽類之情況發生,有違規,其違規程度如何而選定本省北部地區加以抽驗調查,所得結果提供層峰作為食品衛生安全管理之參考。本調查於七十四年一月至六月間自台灣北部六縣市,以隨機抽樣方式抽購市售貢丸、脆丸、花枝丸及油麵共計308件,其中宜蘭縣37件、基隆市26件、台北市27件、台北縣162件、桃園縣25件及新竹縣31件。各檢體送回實驗室後即依照CNS10949 N 6190食品中防腐劑之檢驗方法,檢驗硼酸及其鹽類。
A random sampling for boric acid and borate salt detection on market marinated food and greasy noodle was undertaken in the northern part of Taiwan (including Ilan county, Keelung city, Taipei city, Taipei county, Taoyuan county, and Hsinchu county). The violation percentage of using boric acid and borate salt are as follows: Ilan county, 5.4%; Taipei county, 14.81%; Taoyuan county, 16.00%; Hsinchun county 6.45%; the samples purchased from Keelung and Taipei city shown no violation; the violation percentage of using boric acid and borate in whole northern part of Taiwan is 10.39%. |