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Exploring the Marketing Strategy of Tourism Factory from the Consumer Experience
作者 張德儀汪芷榆羅筱婷
隨著國民生活品質及知識水準的提升、週休二日的實施,國人的休閒活動逐漸由娛樂性轉為知識性和體驗性的活動,加上政府力圖推動傳統製造業轉型,促成觀光工廠如雨後春筍般成立。研究發現,針對遊客重視及滿意偏好的部分,業者在環境設施上的整體管理應維持一定的品質,在DIY體驗活動中規劃不同階段的體驗方式來增添趣味性,如此既能增進親朋好友的相處關係,更有別於一般旅遊體驗。對於重視實質體驗偏好的遊客,可以從環境整體形象設計不同的體驗規劃,滿足遊客的休閒需求。此外,對重視心理層面體驗的遊客而言,活動內容的品質與豐富度將是最直接的感受,故應著重於產業本身的相關文化故事與製程,透過體驗教育的模式,讓遊客對於產業本身及產品的知識與在地的文化有更深入的認識,以產生文化保存的認同感。 Following the increasing of living quality and knowledge standard, and starting the implementation of two-day-off weekend. The leisure activity is changing from the entertaining activity to the knowledgeable and experience activity. Furthermore, the government is trying to lead the traditional manufacturing industry to make the business transformation. Because of that, the amount of the tourism factories is getting higher and higher. After finishing the investigation, we found that the consumers focus on their own satisfaction. The proprietors should maintain the environment and facilities are in the steady quality. In the DIY experience activities, the proprietors need to divide the experience ways into the different levels, increasing parents and friends relationship, different from the general travel experience. Besides, some consumers are focus on the realistic experience. The proprietors can design the different experience from the overall environmental image and whole impressions about the tourism industries, To meet the needs of tourists leisure. At last, the mental experience for the consumers is also important. Because of the consumers’ preference, the quality and variety about the activity contents will affect the consumers’ mind straight. The proprietors also have to emphasize some cultural stories and manufacturing for the industries. The consumers will understand the industries, products and local culture deeply through the experience and educate way to acknowledge that the culture must be saved.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 IPA消費者行為體驗行銷觀光工廠consumer behaviorexperiential marketingtourism factory
刊名 餐旅暨觀光  
期數 201803 (15:1期)
出版單位 國立高雄餐旅大學
該期刊-下一篇 廚亦有道:探索廚師的不道德行為




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