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Miyawaki Syunzou's 1000 Kilometers of the Taiwanese Railway - Also on Japanese Taiwan railway travel literature
作者 邱若山
近代日本文學中,在鐵道旅遊文學這個領域的知名作家,可說以內田百閒、阿川弘之、宮脇俊三為最有名。內田百閒在二次大戰期間曾到訪台灣,阿川弘之、宮脇俊三則是在昭和五十年代前半到台灣訪問。這三位鐵路旅遊文學作家分別寫下了台灣鐵路之旅的旅行紀錄作品,其中尤以宮脇俊三的「台湾鉄路千公里」特別被認為是此中名著。這篇作品是宮脇俊三在台灣還處於戒嚴時期,北廻線剛完成,南廻線尚未貫通,台灣鐵路一周旅行必須以公路巴士連結的時候,所做的台灣旅行記錄的作品。於單行本發行之後,即成為宮脇俊三所著鐵道文學的名作之一。最近,日本作家吉田修一的《路》,以台湾高速鐵路建設的過程作為故事鋪陳軸線創作,受到極大的注目與肯定。不過,在日本近代文學的鐵路旅遊文學這個領域的作品中,與台灣相關的最傑出、最具代表性的作品,則非『台灣鐵路千公里』莫屬。本論文裏,提及戰前的佐藤春夫、內田百閒、戰後阿川弘之等作家的台灣鐵路旅行相關的記行作品,再以宮脇俊三『台湾鉄路千公里』為中心,論述日語寫成的台湾鉄道文學作品。分析作者在第一次台灣鐵路旅行之後寫下的這部作品裏所描寫的各個課題,諸如:旅行計畫、台灣鐵路與日本的關係,旅途中所遇所見所聞、台灣的歷史與風物、殘留在台灣的日語、台灣當時的社會狀況與現實,台灣鐵路旅行的況味與這部作品的價值。並且提及其後的第二次旅行以及為了完成台灣鐵路一周之旅的第三次旅行作品,闡述宮脇俊三對台灣所傾注的鍾愛。 In the field of modern Japanese railway travel literature, writers such as Uchida Hyakken, Agawa Hiroyuki and Miyawaki Syunzou are among the most famous. They produced accounts of their travels in Taiwan--Uchida during the Second World War; Agawa and Miyawaki in the first half of the 1980. Among them, Miyawaki's 1000 Kilometers of the Taiwanese Railway, an account of the writer's journey undertaken during the Taiwanese martial law period, is considered to be a masterpiece of the genre. Recently, Yoshida Syuichi's The Road, with the process of building a high-speed railroad in Taiwan as the axis of the story, was widely well received. However, in this genre, the most outstanding and representative work related to Taiwan is none other than 1000 Kilometers of the Taiwanese Railway. The present paper based its study of Taiwanese railway literature written in Japanese on 1000 Kilometers of the Taiwanese Railway while at the same time makes references to prewar works by writers such as Sato Haruo, Uchida Hyakken and Agawa Hiroyuki. The study analyzes various topics described in Miyawaki's work after the writer's trip: travel plans, the relationship between the Taiwanese railways and the Japanese, what he saw and encountered during the trip, Taiwan's history and scenery, Japanese language in Taiwan, Taiwan's social situation and reality at that time, the status of Taiwan's railway travel and the value of the work. He also mentioned his second and third visit, and, in the process, manifested his love for Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 鐵道旅行文學宮脇俊三台灣鐵路戒嚴令下千公里Railway Travel LiteratureMiyawaki SyunzouTaiwanese RailwayMartial Law1000 Kilometers
刊名 東吳日語教育學報  
期數 201809 (51期)
出版單位 東吳大學日本語文學系
該期刊-下一篇 以跨文化溝通能力培育為主之華日翻譯教材開發




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