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Implications of National Strategy for Financial Education in the United States, United Kingdom and China
作者 曾永清
金融危機的發生證實了缺乏理財教育將導致危機的惡化。當今美國、歐盟等國家把理財教育作為一項重要的政策付諸實施。美、英兩國在實施理財教育國家策略上,規劃組織與建立時間早、內容完整,中國推動理財教育時間較晚,亦積極推動相關工作,一些地區將理財知識納入國民教育體系。這三個國家發展經驗應可供做參考。美、英及中三國均已訂定完整的理財教育國家策略,且均有專責機構負責規劃與執行。美、英兩國已透過機構規劃理財課程綱要,付諸實施。中國已在一些地區將理財納入小學選修課程中。本文建議政府可以進行全國性理財素養調查,使未來課程規劃需要貼近民眾的生活經驗與現實需要。政府可以主導國家策略業務並提撥財源支持,建議由金管會負責推動。或者可由獨立於金融監管當局的教育組織推動國家策略業務,負責全國理財國家策略的訂定、執行並開辦理財學習課程。本文亦建議建立系統化學校理財教育架構,從基礎理財課程,進階、專業理財課程到各種新興金融商品操作一貫課程等。另外可以結合各社區教育活動、職場或民間團體推廣理財教育社會課程,並與國際組織進行跨國合作。 The financial crisis confirmed that the lack of financial education leads to the deterioration of the crisis. Nowadays, the United States, the European Union and other countries consider financial education as an important policy to put into practice. In the process of implementing financial education into national strategy, the United States and United Kingdom have organized and established early on the content of financial education. China has developed financial education later, it has been promoted relevant work actively. Some cities have incorporated financial literacy into the compulsory education system. These three countries have designated institutions to formulate a complete national strategy for financial education which are in charge of planning and implementation. The United States and United Kingdom have already put into effect their financial education curriculums through their institutions. China has incorporated financial knowledge into the national education system in primary schools in some areas. This paper proposed that the government can conduct a nationwide financial literacy survey so that future financial curriculum can be tailored to meet the needs of individuals. The government can provide financial support for national strategy program, while the FSC is responsible for implementation. Alternatively, the national strategy program may be implemented by some independent and private educational organizations, and operate financial courses. This paper also suggested to establish a systematic school financial education structure, with consistent courses including basic, advanced, professional and emerging financial products. In addition, continuing courses of financial planning for adults could be promoted through the corporation with community education activities, workplaces or civil society, and could be further carried on transnational cooperation with the international organization.
起訖頁 25-42
關鍵詞 理財教育國家策略financial educationnational strategy
刊名 北商學報  
期數 201901 (35期)
出版單位 國立臺北商業大學(原:臺北商業技術學院)
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣包容性發展指數之測度與比較
該期刊-下一篇 球迷知覺相似性、承諾與開放性之關係




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