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The First-Year Results of New Year Bird Count As a Monitoring Project for the Winter Avifauna in Taiwan
作者 林大利呂翊維洪貫捷何一先林昆海林世宗林瑞興 (Ruey-Shing Lin)
「2010愛知生物多樣性目標」確立之後,可快速瞭解廣時空尺度生物多樣性現況的「八民科學」應運而生。我國雖然已對繁殖鳥設計妥善的監測系統,全國冬季鳥類的監測仍相當缺乏。為此,本研究參考美國聖誕節鳥類調查,設計「台灣新年數鳥嘉年華」監測我國冬季的鳥類相。2013年底至2014年初的16天內,由598名志工於全國122個半徑3 km的樣區圓內執行鳥類調查,共記錄292種鳥。就鳥種豐富度及鳥類豐度而言,龍鑾潭、南澳、西南沿海及蘭陽平原為重要的熱點。顯示常見的冬候鳥種類不多但族群量相當龐大。緯度遷徙的候鳥,大多以濕地、草原及淺山為主要棲地,可能使此類環境成為我國冬季的鳥類熱點。首年的資料尚無法瞭解族群變化,但是可先瞭解我國冬季鳥類的分布及群聚組成。未來將持續執行冬季鳥類監測,並嘗試與東亞各國共同監測東亞--澳洲遷徙線的候鳥。
After Aichi Biodiversity Targets was released in 2010, citizen science projects that reveal the status of biodiversity in broader spatial-temporal scale increased rapidly. In Taiwan, there are some monitoring systems for breeding bird, but not for wintering avifauna. Based on the principles of Christmas Bird Count, we designed a "New Year Bird Count, Taiwan" to monitor the wintering avifauna. From Dec 28 th, 2013, to Jan 12th, 2014, 598 volunteers contributed to this survey in 122 circle sample areas (3 km in diameter). Two hundred and ninety-two species were recorded. For bird species richness and abundance, Longluan Lake, Nan'ao, Southwest coastal and Lanyang plain were the important hotspots, indicating low diversity but high abundance of common wintering specie. Major habitats of these wintering species were wetlands, grasslands and lowland forests, which may be avifauna hotspots in winter. We were unable to elaborate on the population trend from the first-year data alone. However, the data provides valuable information about the distribution and the community composition of the avifauna in winter. This project will continue to be conducted with an attempt to cooperate with countries in East Asia to monitor migrants in East Asia-Australia Flyways.
起訖頁 81-100
關鍵詞 聖誕節鳥類調查八民科學遷徙台灣冬候鳥Christmas Bird Countcitizen sciencemigrationTaiwanwintering bird species
刊名 台灣生物多樣性研究  
期數 201504 (17:2期)
出版單位 農委會特有生物研究保育中心
該期刊-下一篇 台灣低海拔森林燕雀目鳥類灌叢巢與地面巢的天敵判別




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