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Construction Subjectivity of City: Nostalgia Modernity and Imagined Communities in Taichung City
作者 黃子倫
This article aims to explain citizen how to use Japanese style old building to create imagined communities of Taichung City. Taichung City was built by Japan government in 1910. During this period, urban planning made Taichung to be a modernization. After a century, Taichung City keeps urbanization but central district. Because the core of city move to west district, central district decrease population and economic activity. Former mayor-Hu tried to rebuild central district. His policy wants to build new infrastructure and demolishes old structure; however, it brought citizen resistance. Citizen collected information during the Japanese colonial period, and claim city is for Citizen. Thus, Citizen created association to resist Hu government that demolishes old structure. After mayoral election 2014, Lin had elected. Lin accepted citizen proposal, and this proposal turn to be part of urban policy. In this empirical study shows how citizen emphasis Japanese style old building and claim the important image of Taichung. The association use conservation issues to evoke people sense of belonging. They launch Social movement appealing people to recognize how important historical issue in the Taichung City. The associations, who launch this social movement, not only care historical issue but also think what Subjectivity of Taichung City is. Therefore, citizen's social movement cannot seem to be a nostalgic, instead create Taichung city of Subjectivity, building an imagined communities in Taichung.
起訖頁 3-29
關鍵詞 懷舊現代性殖民現代性城市社會運動舊城區社群想像Colonial ModernitySubjectivityImagined CommunitiesUrban Social MovementNostalgiaTaichung City
刊名 文化研究季刊  
期數 201809 (163期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 冷戰的寓言:邊界、童年與五十年代初香港電影




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