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On Zhu Xi's Criticisms of Cheng Yi's Understanding of the "Book of Changes"
作者 張忠宏
朱熹對程頤的批評表面上看起來駁雜而不一致,但深入分析他的論點,可以看出他的批評有一致而深刻的重要性。簡言之,朱熹認為《程氏易傳》脫離了《易》之筮法與象數,不能說明做人做事的道理、天地自然之數、宇宙及存有架構等天地之理,如何透過筮法及《易》的表象系統整合在六十四卦的變化裏。《程氏易傳》之所以有這個問題,是因為程頤缺乏整合義理、象數與筮法的問題意識,並且輕忽邵雍的先天易學的重要性。對朱熹來說,唯有邵雍的先天易學可以統合象數、義理與筮法;程頤不能、也不應拒絕先天易學。 Zhu Xi's criticisms of Cheng-Shi-Yi-Zhuan seem to be diverse and inconsistent. Further analyses, however, show the contrary. To put it very briefly, Zhu Xi's complaints were mainly due to Cheng Yi's failure to bring about a coherent theory that can integrate xiang-shu, yi-li, and shi-fa, as well as his lack of awareness of the significance of such an integration. The reason why Cheng Yi failed in both regards was in turn due to his ignorance of the theoretical roles Shao Yong's xian-tien-yi-xue can play. By demonstrating what those theoretical roles are and why they are so important to Zhu Xi, this paper explicates Zhu Xi's own understanding of the "Book of Changes".
起訖頁 107-149
關鍵詞 朱熹程頤邵雍先天易學Zhu XiCheng YiShao Yongxian-tien-yi-xue
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201503 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 王船山莊學中「相天」說的倫理意義




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