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The Ethical Meaning of "Helping Heaven" in Wang Chuanshan's Interpretation
作者 林明照
船山透過詮解《莊子》,提出了許多深刻的哲學問題及理論。其中對《莊子》「相天」說的詮解,尤其值得關注。原因大致有二:首先,船山認為內篇最能直接表現莊子的思想,而其精髓正可歸結於《莊子》中的相天之說;其次,船山在將《莊子》哲學的核心論點歸結為相天說時,又據之作為分判《莊子》與儒、釋、玄等其他哲學家派理論優劣的標準。本文在於對船山《莊子解》中「相天」說的倫理意義進行討論,全文的討論主要包括三個部分,首先將指出在船山的理解下,《莊子》的「相天」說在於回答一根本問題:我們有什麼理由認為生比死更有價值?以及由此引生的另一個問題:為什麼不是每一種人格品質或行為特質都具同等價值?其次,將從相天說所關涉的生死形上意義,來說明在船山的詮解中,《莊子》透過相天說對於前述問題的基本回答。接著,本文將對船山所詮解的相天說的倫理意義作出探討。 Chuanshan presents lots of philosophical questions and theories via his interpretation on Zhuangzi, and the one about the concept of "Helping Heaven" especially deserves our attention. There are at least two reasons for this. First, in Chuanshan's mind, the Inner Chapters is the representative of Zhuangzi's thought, and the core in it is the concept, "Helping Heaven". Second, Chuanshan regards "Helping Heaven" not only as the core theory in Zhuangzi but also as the standard to evaluate different theories in ancient Chinese philosophy. The discussion of this paper is divided into three parts. First, in Chuanshan's interptretation, Zhuangzi's "Helping Heaven" tells us why living is more valuable than death. From this viewpoint, we can ask further why not all personalities or behaviors have the same value. In the second part, we according to Chuanshan's interpretation, figure out the answer to the question above from the metaphysical meaning of Zhuangzi's "Helping Heaven". In the end, the paper discusses the ethical meaning of "Helping Heaven" in Chuanshan's interpretation.
起訖頁 77-106
關鍵詞 莊子王船山倫理莊子解ZhuangziWang ChuanshanethicsChicommentary on Zhuangzi
刊名 國立臺灣大學哲學論評  
期數 201503 (49期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學哲學系
該期刊-上一篇 Plato's Treatment of Desire and Eryximachus' Medicine in the "Symposium"
該期刊-下一篇 論朱熹對程頤易學的批評




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