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An Investigation on Multifunctionality of Organic Farming–A Case of Xingjian Village, Sanshing Township, Yilan County
作者 顏愛靜陳胤安吳宜庭
有機農業的施行,被全世界肯認具農業永續性、生物多樣性、尊重動植物內在價值,甚至是地方發展等的多功能性特質,而反映於生產過程,不僅可增加糧食生產之商品產出,亦可創造糧食安全、環境保護、文化保存、多樣地景、穩定農村等非商品產出,最終調整農業朝市場需求轉型(Lampkin, 1990)。宜蘭縣三星鄉行健村部分有心人士為推行有機農業,成立生產合作社,藉由社員互信互助,實踐不施農藥、化肥栽培,成效初具,也相當具有特色。而本文藉由文獻評析、深度訪談法,探討該村推行有機農業其農業多功能性的成效及推展遭逢的困境。然卻發現,個案地區有機農業的實施,於多功能效益上,就經濟生產功能言,可提升糧食安全及人體與環境健康的意識;藉由生產模式的轉變,在與生產環境的互動中,學習更多的農業知識及技術。就社會文化功能言,有機農民具備健康為導向的生產概念,並營造出具在地特色的農村社區文化;農民因具共同目標,關係密切,並能在技術與知識上互相交流及支援。就生態環境功能言,農民具有與自然環境和諧共處的價值觀;土地因恢復健康,地景呈現多樣化的風貌。惟行健村在實施有機的過程中,也面臨資金不足、驗證程序繁瑣、有機農田與慣行農田併立容易汙染有機產品的困擾。是以本研究認為,政府應提供推動有機友善的補貼或協助機制,以促成當地全面實施有機農業,提升整體生產環境的健康。 Organic farming has been broadly recognized by the world that it possesses multifunctionality dimensions of agricultural sustainability, biodiversity, esteem of interior value on flora and fauna, and even local development. Such dimensions reflect the process of agricultural production, which not only increases the food value of commodity output (CO), but also creates the value of non-commodity output (NCO) of food security, environmental protection, cultural preservation, multiple landscapes, stabilization of rural area, and so on, as well as finally adjusts the agricultural orientation towards market demand (Lampkin, 1990). In order to promote organic agriculture, part of villagers of Xingjian village (in Sanshing Township, Yilan County) establish an organic cooperative. Through cooperative members’ reciprocal trust and help, they practice no pesticide and no chemical fertilizer farming which is very successful and characteristic that is worthy to do in-depth research. This study attempts to apply literature analysis and in-depth interview to realize the result of agricultural multifunctionality on promoting organic agriculture and difficulties of promoting organic farming in Xingjian Village. We find out that the practice of organic agriculture in this case, has significant increase on multifunctionality, food security, and environmental health cognition. By transformation of productive modes and the interaction between farmers and productive environment, organic farmers improve more agricultural knowledge. Besides, organic farmers has the productive concept of health orientation and also establish its particular local character and rural culture. Farmers have the same object and close relations so that they are able to gain mutual communication and support on technology and knowledge. Not only farmers possess value of harmoniously coexisting with natural environment, but also the land recovers its health so that the landscape reveals diverse features. In the process of promoting organic agriculture in Xing Jiang Village, however, farmers have to confront the difficulties of lack of subsidies, complicated in the procedure of organic certification, and easy-polluted situation when conventional farm is next to organic farm. Therefore, this study considers that the Taiwan government have to provide organic friendly subsidies or support mechanism to assist all local farmers for transformation.
起訖頁 69-103
關鍵詞 生物多樣性行健村非商品產出農業多功能性Biological DiversityMultifunctionality of AgricultureNon-commodity OutputXingjian Village
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201605 (19:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 連鎖速食店的競爭與決策:以台灣實證結果為例
該期刊-下一篇 都會型休閒農場開發指標之建構




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