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An Investigation of Preferences for Living Arrangements of the Elderly - From the Perspective of Self-Reported Health Conditions, Family Resources and Social Participation
作者 陳彥仲陳靜怡 (Ching-Yi Chen)
本文從高齡者之社經背景因素、自評健康條件、家庭資源與社會參與傾向,探討高齡者對於期待之居住安排方式之影響。其期待之居住安排替選方案包括:與子女同住(不論有無配偶)、僅與配偶同住、獨居,以及住於機構等四項。本文運用2005年「台閩地區老人狀況調查資料」。首先,從敘述性統計分析高齡者期待的居住安排方式。並以不連續選擇理論建立Logit實證模型。實證結果並輔以直接彈性與對數勝算比分析,瞭解影響因素變動,對於方案被選擇機率之變動百分比。實證結果顯示,(1)高齡者之社經濟地位較為獨立者,越期待獨立的居住安排方式;反之則較依賴與子代共居。顯示高社經地位高齡者較趨重視個人生活隱私。(2)高齡者自評健康條件愈不佳,愈不期待與子女共居,避免造成子代負擔。此一結果證實,高齡者之需要照顧需求對期望的居住安排的影響,以子代獲益較多。(3)高齡者若家庭資源越充分,則越期待與子女共居。顯示高齡者普遍仍相當重視家庭價值。最後,(4)高齡者的社會參與傾向越活躍,則在充分的社會支持下,高齡者也越期待較獨立的居住安排方式。顯示有愈多社會參與之高齡者,較不拘泥於傳統與子女共居之居住安排方式。 The goals of this article are to investigate older adults’ preferences for living arrangements including co-residing with children (with spouse or others), co-residing with spouse only, living alone and living in institution based on demographic factors, health factors, family resources and propensity for social participation. Using data from “2005 Report on the Old Status in Taiwan and Fukien Area”, we analyze older adults’ preferences for living arrangements through descriptive statistics and propose an empirical model based on discrete choice theory; then, we use direct elasticity and odds ratio to analyze the percent change of the probability of certain arrangement being chosen. Results reveal that elderly people (1) with higher socioeconomic status prefer independent living arrangements or otherwise rely on coresidence with children, which means that elderly people value more for individual privacy. (2) Those with poor self-reported health prefer to separate residence from their children to avoid being a burden. This suggests that parents display more altruistic behavior for their children. (3) Those with more family resources prefer to coreside with children, which indicates that elderly people highlight often the value of family. (4) Those with adequate social support prefer independent living arrangements, which demonstrate that elderly people would accept non-traditional living arrangements i.e. coresiding with children.
起訖頁 127-158
關鍵詞 不連續選擇理論居住安排社會參與高齡者邏輯特模型Discrete Choices TheoryLiving ArrangementLogit ModelOlder AdultsSocial Participation
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201211 (15:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 垂直化大型購物中心業種多樣性之最適空間配置策略模型




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