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Modeling the Optimal Spatial Strategies for Tenant Variety within Vertically Structured Large-scale Shopping Centers
作者 游舜德
緊緻城市的特色之一,是垂直化發展下的混合使用,這使得購物中心也面臨高層化發展,然而此一發展趨勢,打破了過去依循美式郊區型購物中心,以低樓層方式建立的理論基礎。本文對近年購物中心內承租商空間區位研究中,提出同業種應予以分散配置之策略,提出反思。此種分散配置的理論,雖在歐美國家個案普遍適用,但往往無法適用於台灣與當前亞洲高人口密度都市地區大多數的個案。本文認為,同業種承租商在分散或集中方式配置上,各追求不同的差異性目的:分散空間配置的目的,在於促進消費循環,增加承租商間的外溢效果,提升整體聚集經濟;另一方面,區位集中的部門化形式,可以降低消費者在複雜空間中迷失的可能性,降低遊逛者的總購物成本,增加複雜平面的可利用空間資源。依照本文所提出的情境模擬分析與基本模型,採取分散與部門化策略的關鍵,受到基本來客效果、來客外溢效果與有效樓地板效果三者的消長,且在配置上,應將核心業種配置於接近人潮的核心低樓層,而高樓層則應配置屬目的型的非衝動性商品。本文以地理資訊系統建構大型購物中心的樓面空間資料庫,以亞洲與歐美的30個個案,共146個樓層平面為研究對象,以多元迴歸、因素分析與二元logistic迴歸等方法進行三階段的實證分析。結果發現,當總樓層數愈高,空間愈複雜且有效樓地板面積比例愈低的個案,採行部門化配置的情形愈強;且經營管理者確實較傾向於將核心業種「流行時尚與女性用品」,配置於人潮易達的核心低樓層(1-3樓),而將目的性較高的「餐飲美食與主題運動」商品,配置於高樓層中;從基本模型中的概念來看,這些策略在垂直發展的個案中,能獲得最大的營運價值。 One of the features of compact city is mixed-use under vertical building structures; therefore, retail properties also inevitably face the pressure going high–rise. Nevertheless, this vertical trend of retail property breaks some principles suggested under observations of out-of town, low-level shopping centers. A large-scale shopping center is the cluster of various retail tenants pursing the highest agglomeration economies. Operators or property managers achieve this goal through wisely allocate the scarce resource, namely the operational floor areas. This research reconsiders the placement strategy for retail tenants of the same type within vertically structured retail properties. Previous research suggested that the location of the same type of non-anchor retail categories should be dispersed. However, this is not easily observed in the cases in Taiwan and other Asian countries for their complexity and high-rise design and usage of floorspace. On the other hand, we suggested that spatially departmentalized retail categories is a necessity when floorspace with more complex layout. This paper established a GIS-based dataset containing 30 large-scale retail properties from Asian and Western countries, with 146 detailed floor plans. This paper tested the relationship among floor levels, space complexity, effective space ratio, and departmentalization index using regression models. A further factor analysis and logistic model is used to extract core and periphery retail categories within tenant mix of centers and examining the exact location the retail categories were situated. The results showed that floor plan should transform the non-purposive shopping route into a guided purposive shopping pattern by departmentalized allocation when retail property were extended vertically and high complexity. The results also reveal that the core factor “Fashions and women products” tends to locate at the core levels and “restaurant, sports and theme stores” tends to be situated at the high ends of floor levels. The results support the strategies within the basic model for maximizing the operational value for vertical shopping centers.
起訖頁 87-125
關鍵詞 不動產經營管理承租商間外部效果商品多樣性零售不動產零售聚集經濟Inter-store externalitiesRetail agglomeration economiesReal estate managementProduct varietyRetail properties
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201211 (15:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 都市邊緣農村地景破碎化研究
該期刊-下一篇 從高齡者自評健康條件、家庭資源及社會參與探討高齡者期望之居住安排




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