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The Practice of Sustainable Agricultural Development in Indigenous Community - A Case Study in Shi-Lei Indigenous Community, Jienshih Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
作者 顏愛靜傅小芝何欣芳
振興產業是促進社區永續發展的重要因素,然而當經濟利益的獲取,是以侵蝕資源基底(resources-base)為代價時,資源本體的衰退亦將象徵著社區不再永續發展。Walck and Strong(2001)以Aldo Leopold(1970)所提土地倫理概念為基礎,建構土地倫理及權力關係對土地健康的影響模式,闡述前兩者將影響土地利用的行動,漸次導致土地是否健康,而土地的健康與否亦將反饋至土地利用,兩者互為因果,成為社區產業能否永續發展的關鍵所在。本文擬藉由深度訪談、參與觀察及文獻蒐集之研究方式,探悉台灣原住民社區農業經營方式的轉變,並檢視該理論基礎的適用性。本文以新竹縣尖石鄉玉峰村的石磊部落(Qalang Quri)為研究對象,其為泰雅族原住民社區,因交通不便利,觀光產業發展不易,仍以農業經營為主,生產有機高冷蔬菜、水蜜桃等農作。又因該部落位處石門水庫集水區之山坡地,其農業活動除受限於土地使用管制規範外,更被指責是導致近年來山崩、土石流而造成水庫淤積日深的禍源。該部落居民有感於過去採取噴灑化學肥料與施用農藥等不循土地倫理的農業經營方式,不僅造成生態環境的污染,亦將有礙土地健康,乃在土地倫理的省思下,嘗試以融合傳統生態知識(traditional ecological knowledge,簡稱TEK)的無毒自然農法為其農業生產的技術。雖然,相較於慣行農法,自然農法的生產技術可使產期縮短,產品質佳量豐,有利於土地健康,然而如何藉由社區自主的力量以推廣這項技術,並開拓良好的市場產銷通路,是為當務之急;而政府或其他非營利組織的資源,適時給予支援,且社區建立自主分配機制,或將是促使部落經營得以獲致穩定收益的重要助力。 To foster agricultural development is of great significance to tribal community. However, if the capture of economic interest is at the price of eroding the resources basis (resources-base), the degradation of resources will lead the community to be unsustainable. Based on Aldo Leopold’s concept of the land ethics, Walck and Strong (2001) constructed a model concerning land ethics, power structure, land use and land health. The main idea of the model is land ethics and the power structure will influence pattern of land use, and land use activities will affect land health in turn. This is the key factor to foster sustainable agricultural development for the community. To investigate the relevance of the model regarding agricultural development in indigenous communities, we take Qalang Quri community as a case, and employ methods of literature review, depth interview and participatory observation. Qalang Quri community is a typical Tayal indigenous community where is remote and with inconvenient traffic that results in difficulties in tourism development. The main industry in this community is agriculture, which crops organic high-and-cold (high altitude and low temperature) vegetables, peach and so on. Also, this community is located on a mountainside of Shimen Watershed catchment. Besides agricultural activities have been limited under the standard of land use restraint, people who live in this place have been criticized as trouble makers of landslides and mudslides whose activities silted up the reservoir. Communal residents sense that the way of spraying chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the way of agricultural operation which is not following land ethics, not only cause pollution on ecological environment but also obstruct the health of land. Therefore, residents reflect land ethics, attempting to combine nonpoisonous natural farming of their traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) for the technique of agricultural production. Although, to compare with the conventional farming, the production technique of natural farming may reduce growth period, make good quality and abundant quantity, and is beneficial for land health. However, how to promote this technique via communal self-governing strength, and develop good production and marketing channel is of great significance. The government or other Non-profit organization’s resources timely support and communities construct self-distributed mechanism, probably will urge communities to obtain stable income in the future.
起訖頁 67-97
關鍵詞 原住民社區土地倫理石磊部落有機農業自然農法Indigenous People CommunityLand EthicsQalang Quri Tribal CommunityOrganic FarmingNatural Farming
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 201111 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 都市化與氣候暖化關係之研究——以台北都會區為例
該期刊-下一篇 不同都市階層之地方公共財組合對地價的影響




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