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Application of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata to Simulate Spatial Games to Examine Effects of Planning
作者 賴世剛陳建元
規劃作用對複雜空間系統的演化產生何種影響?是本文嘗試探討的問題。本文以單維細胞自動體(one-dimensional cellular automata)進行電腦模擬,並根據囚犯困境模式(prisoner's dilemma),探討規劃行為中資訊收集活動對空間互動決策者所產生之集體行為演化的影響。細胞自動體考量離散的空間與時間向度,依據其設定之規則經由細胞與細胞間彼此互動,演化出多樣的組織及時空形態。本研究認為單維細胞自動體為複雜系統演變的基本模式,可以模擬其他具普遍運算(universal computation)功能的複雜系統,包括都市空間系統。基於這個假設,本文進行以囚犯困境互動機制為基礎的單維細胞自動體電腦模擬,考慮細胞互動範圍與決策比較範圍為兩項控制變數。因此本研究欲探討在囚犯困境之不同的得分報酬間、不同的規劃作用大小、不同初始結構及不同互動範圍下情況下,單維細胞自動體將會演化出什麼樣的組織及時空型態。模擬結果顯示規劃作用確實對於單維細胞自動體演化時空形態有所影響;具體而言,規劃作用的增加使得系統演化變得更多樣。 How would planning affect the evolution of complex spatial systems? To answer the question, the paper conducts computer simulations based on one-dimensional cellular automata and the prisoner's dilemma game to explore into the effect of information gathering activities in planning behavior on the evolution of spatial decision makers interacting with each other. Cellular automata consider discrete space and time and evolve into diversified organizations and space-time patterns through transition rules based on which cells interact with each other. The research is grounded on the presumption that one-dimensional cellular automata are the basic models of all complex systems in that these models can emulate all other complex systems capable of universal computation, including urban spatial systems. We conduct one-dimensional cellular automata simulations based on the mechanisms of the prisoner's dilemma game, considering the interaction scope of cells and the comparison scope of decisions as two control variables. In short, the research investigates under different payoff structures, planning investments, initial conditions, and interaction scopes, what organizations and space-time patterns would emerge in the one-dimensional cellular automata model. The results show that planning investments indeed affect the space-time patterns of one-dimensional cellular automata evolution. More specifically, increase in planning investments makes the systems' evolution more diverse.
起訖頁 49-70
關鍵詞 單維細胞自動體囚犯困境都市空間演變one-dimensional cellular automatathe prisoner's dilemma gameurban spatial change
刊名 台灣土地研究  
期數 200405 (7:1期)
出版單位 國立台北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系;國立政治大學地政學系
該期刊-上一篇 土地利用與景觀眺望權之探討——以日月潭國家風景區為例
該期刊-下一篇 購屋者住宅投資風險衡量之研究——風險值之應用




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