中文摘要 |
最近油品摻偽事件被外國媒體以「產業醜聞(food industry scandals)」作為頭條報導,但實際上近期發生的事件多為沒有立即性的食安問題,2013年6月新食品衛生管理法上路後,列出諸項食品產業「良善管理人」的自主管理要求,包括強制實施食品安全管理制度、強制食品業者登錄制度、追溯與追蹤系統、要求專長與專業證照、產品標示與來源揭露、進口產品具結放行與移動管制、刊登廣告需善盡查證責任、以及公布檢驗結果,應同時揭露檢驗相關資訊等。水產食品業歷年來都是食品產業新制度的領頭羊,業者最直接簡單的對策就是聘用食品專業人員如食品技師,利用其具有的專業背景與訓練,把專業的事情給專業的人去規劃,而經營者就發揮自己的經營專長即可。
While series food safety issues covered the headlines of Taiwan media all year around in 2013, foreign media use “Food industry scandals” as the topic of recent oil adulteration. Actually mostly of recent events are far from imminent food safety concerns but created a huge disturbance and mistrust among government, industry and consumers. New Food Sanitary Law has announced and implemented since June of 2013 which identifies several “due diligence” management protocols for food industry which will eventually lead to legal “liability” decision when there is food safety incidence. In Taiwan, seafood industry has always been the leading practitioner of new regulation of the food industry and the best strategy to is to hire a someone with profound knowledge of food profession for planning new management schemes that will comply with new law and avoid heavy penalty. |