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Development and utilization of processed products made from mullet
作者 曹欽玉
為有效加工利用台灣產烏魚,本文就傳統原有之烏魚子加工以及數位學者對烏魚進行相關研究之開發產品,如烏魚冷凍魚片、烏魚魚漿煉製品、茄漬海苔烏魚罐頭、乳酸菌發酵海藻烏魚食品、味噌醃漬烏魚罐頭等產品之生產條件,加以闡明。進而期望產業界能評估各種新開發之產品,並選出最具有被消費者所接受,而與類似產品形成市場競爭力、主流商業產品,藉以解決台灣每年冬季面臨烏魚的產銷過剩問題。 In order to efficiently utilize mullet, this review is describing and introducing the processed products and its processing conditions. These processed products included traditional product, the salted mullet roe, and various new developed products such as vacuum package frozen mullet fillet, surimi-based products, canned mullet products with tomato sauce and algae, fermented foods with lactic acid bacteria and pickled products with miso (a fermented soybean product). The seafood industries and manufacturers are expected to evaluate all developed products and find out which one could be accepted by consumers and has the possibility of competing with the resembling commercial products. These multiple utilizations of mullet may alleviate the marketing problem of abundant production of harvested and cultured mullet during winter season in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-11
關鍵詞 烏魚烏魚子冷凍魚片魚漿茄漬烏魚罐頭乳酸菌發酵MulletSalted mullet roeFrozen filletSurimiCanned mullet in tomatoLactic acid bacteria fermentationPickle of product
刊名 海大漁推  
期數 200711 (37期)
出版單位 國立臺灣海洋大學
該期刊-下一篇 河魨毒與麻痺性毒




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