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The Power of Discourses and Historical Writings: Discussion on the Story Types, Canon of Chants and Its Mechanism of Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei in the Qing Dynasty
作者 王建國
本文主要探索「寧靖王與五妃」故事形態,並尋繹清代寧靖王與五妃題詠典律化背後之機制,尤其,五妃題最終如何凌駕寧靖王題。一方面,審視歷來官方與非官方兩大文獻系統記載寧靖王與其五位妾暖的故事形態,發現官方系統顯然享有較高的能見度及較大的文化權力,尤其甚者,在文學史尚未發達的年代裡,方志本身蘊含濃厚官方意識形態,且具有一定的文學傳播功能與影響機制,另一方面,則藉由官方系統一臺灣諸方志考察題詠典律話語,發現影響題詠典律的因素有二:一為表層現象/機制為歷來臺灣方志/清一統志(臺灣府)之纂修及其一再著錄相關題詠詩作,二為內在深層/機制則為朱一貴事件;前此,王禮主修、陳文達編纂《臺灣縣志》已可稍見五妃題漸有超越寧靖王題詠之端倪,之後,范咸編纂《重修臺灣府志》乃更加深其典範性意義,此中,又以陳元圖〈明寧靖王傳〉透過《范志》之增刪編纂為然,尤有甚者,六十七與范成更為五妃修墓立碑,並留下頗具示範性之題詠詩作。不久,臺灣知縣魯鼎梅又重修五妃墓,其後,鄧傳安也為五妃墓倡設義田,俾利「永續經營」,凡此,皆可見其「官方製作」之痕跡。 This paper aims to explore the story types of 'Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei (five concubines of Prince Ning-Jing), 'and finds out the mechanism of forming the canon for chanting Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei in the Qing Dynasty, especially how the chants of Wufei overtopped that of Prince Ning-Jing. On the one hand, this paper examines the story types of Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei from both official and non-official document systems, and finds that the official document system obviously had a better visibility and greater cultural power. Particularly, when the literature history had not yet been developed at that time, local gazetteers (Fang Zhi) certainly contained a strong official ideology and had the function of literary dissemination and influence mechanisms.On the other hand, through the official document system, this paper examines the discourses of canon of chants in Taiwan gazetteers, and shows that there are two factors influencing the formation of canon of chants. The explicit factor is the compilation of the Taiwan gazetteers over the years and repeatedly writing chant poems about Prince Ning-Jing and Wufei; while the hidden factor is Zhu Yi-Gui Incident (朱一貴). Before that, we see that the chants of Wufei had slightly surpassed that of Prince NingJing in Taiwan Xian Zhi (台灣縣志 ), which was mainly revised by Wang Li (王禮)and compiled by Chen Wen Da (陳文達). And later, Fan Xian's (范咸) compilation of Revising Taiwan's Fuzhi (重修臺灣府志) in which profoundly shows its exemplary signifi cance of chanting. In particular, through Fan Xian's compilation, Chen Yuan Tu's (陳元圖) “The biography of Ming Prince Ning-Jing” (明寧靖王傳) contains even more exemplary meaning. Furthermore, Liu Shi Qi(六十七) and Fan Xian repaired the grave, erected a tombstone, and wrote representative chant poems for Wufei. It was not long before Lu Ding Mei (魯鼎梅) repaired wufei's tombstone again. Deng Chuan An (鄧傅安) also advocated the establishment of Yi Tian (義田) for Wufei's tombstone for the reason of “sustainable operation.”Obviously, all of these can be seen as a trace of “official production.”
起訖頁 123-170
關鍵詞 寧靖王五妃朱一貴事件方志典律Prince Ning-JingWufeiZhu Yi-Gui IncidentTaiwan GazetteersCanon
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201810 (27期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 從文士到作家--日治時期在台日人現代文學的初期發展
該期刊-下一篇 「御都合主義」的社會運動家?--側議歷史際遇記憶中的陳逢源及其抉擇




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