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A Comprehensive Look on the 2018 Asia-Pacific Forum for Science Talented (APFST)
作者 歐陽佩婷盧佳欣葉孟慧
本文旨在介紹教育部國教署委託國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系舉辦之亞太科學資優學生論壇(Asia-Pacific Forum for Science Talented, APFST),認識此論壇在亞洲資優教育領域扮演之重要角色。透過觀察訪談與實地紀錄,先簡介此國際論壇2018年的實行運作,說明其活動安排與課程規劃,針對學生組科學實作競賽以及教師組體驗活動進行分析。結果發現來自亞太地區11國的學生跨國交流合作,分組競賽中發揮創意以解決問題;各國帶隊教師於教師論壇發表報告其資優教學與課程,促進國際交流與提升教師知能,並於實作活動中增加互動體驗。文末整合與會者意見與籌備者省思,分別從科學實作競賽、語言與文化、師生活動安排、人力配置等層面提供建議,以供未來相關籌備團隊參考,進而致使國際盛事更臻完美,盼能引發國內各界相關領域專業人士積極關注與投入,提高我國資優教育在國際間能見度及發揮影響力。 Through the eyes of the press team of the 2018 Asia-Pacific Forum for Science Talented, this article aims to inform readers of how the Asia-Pacific Forum for Science Talented, APFST operates, what significant role it plays in special education in Asia, as well as the impact it brings to the members of the organizing committee with a view to soliciting attention and support from scholars, experts, and officials in the field of gifted and talented education. The main points include an overview and observation of the major events in the forum and interviews with the participants. We conclude the article with a few reflections and suggestions as a reference for the organizing committee in the hope of perfecting the forum in the future and boosting the visibility and influence of Taiwan’s gifted education.
起訖頁 22-31
關鍵詞 亞太科學資優學生論壇科學實作創意資優教育Asia-Pacific Forum for Science Talentedgifted educationhands-on projectcreativity
刊名 資優教育論壇  
期數 201810 (16期)
出版單位 中華資優教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 2017年國際資優才能發展與卓越表現研究學會雙年會紀實
該期刊-下一篇 第十五屆曼谷亞太青少年資優營之觀察與反思




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