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Sterculia foetida
作者 章錦瑜陳姿君陳本睿
掌葉蘋婆引進台灣後,因環境適應良好,生長佳枝茂葉盛,是非常理想的遮蔭大樹,在台灣普遍栽植,成為常見的行道樹,曾票選為適合栽植於台中地區的樹種之一。但近年來,關於掌葉蘋婆的各種爭議卻接踵而來,每到花季便散發惡臭,影響民眾呼吸及生活;而碩大的果實掉落也擔心人車被砸;再加上根群會毀損人行道鋪面而影響行走安全,民眾多次向管理單位抗議,使得各縣市不得不重視這個問題,以修剪或移植來減緩掌葉蘋婆帶給民眾的困擾。 Sterculia foetida moved to Taiwan many years ago. It is so luxuriant and flourishing, because it get well with Taiwan's environment. It is such a very good shade street tree that grows everywhere in Taiwan. Recently many opinions come about Sterculia foetida. The main opinion of this tree is their flowers' incredible stench. Their large fruits dropping pound people and their car when stopping under this tree. Their roots damage the paving that passengers stumber. The common people complain Sterculia foetida again and again. Themanagers ofmaintenance cannot help but trim and transplant Sterculia foetida to quiet down these complains.
Sterculia foetida moved to Taiwan many years ago. It is so luxuriant and flourishing, because it get well with Taiwan's environment. It is such a very good shade street tree that grows everywhere in Taiwan. Recently many opinions come about Sterculia foetida. The main opinion of this tree is their flowers' incredible stench. Their large fruits dropping pound people and their car when stopping under this tree. Their roots damage the paving that passengers stumber. The common people complain Sterculia foetida again and again. Themanagers ofmaintenance cannot help but trim and transplant Sterculia foetida to quiet down these complains.
起訖頁 97-106
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200906 (31:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 Essential Oil Compositions and Bioactivities of the Various Parts of Cinnamomum camphora Sieb. var. linaloolifera Fujuta




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