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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Application of Dendrochronology in the Relationship of Forest and Environment |
作者 |
馮豐隆、詹明勳 |
中文摘要 |
本研究係探討樹輪科學如何應用在森林與環境關係之探討。研究中介紹樹木氣候學、樹木生態學的基本原理,並說明“樹木生長因子集合原理”為樹輪科學研究之主要部分。該科學的重要研究技術方法包括Soft x-ray影像分析方法、交互定年、標準化、氣候因子對樹輪影響的一致性與反應函數及非氣候因子對樹輪的影響。本研究以台灣雲杉為研究材料作為樹輪科學應用於森林與環境關係的說明。Soft x-ray影像分析法解析針闊葉樹8個有關樹輪寬度與樹輪密度之特徵值;交互定年以Coffecha或CDendro程式計算各樹芯年表的平均相關性並檢查各樹芯序列的缺失輪;標準化方法以ARSTRA程式計算去除因不同樹齡所造成的生長勢,並求得樹輪間最大共通訊號:應用“樹輪生長集合原理”先探討樹輪與氣候之間的反應函數與相關性係數;去除掉氣候因子對樹輪的影響,留存內外在干擾因子如競爭、風害、生物性病蟲害或空氣污染等對樹輪影響所造成的變動。
The purpose of this study was to apply the dendrochronology on the research of relationship between forest with environment. The dendroclimatology and dendroecology were also included in the study based on the principles of tree growth factors. The important techniques including soft X-ray method, image analysis, cross dating, standardization, and response function were introduced. The Taiwanese spruce was illustrated as research material in the paper. Soft X-ray and image analysis were applied to analyze the eight characteristics values of tree ring. The program of Coffecha and CDendro were used in the cross dating procedure in order to calculate the average relationship among the tree ring chronology and check the missing rings among the tree ring series, respectively. The standardization is using the ARS TRA program to eliminate the growth trend among different age of the tree ring in order to acquire the maximum signals. The response function was to study the relationship between tree rings with climate by the principles of growth, then, the effects on the tree ring width were eliminated and the internal and external interferences factor were keep, like competition, wind damage, bio-hazardous factors, and air pollution, for example. |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to apply the dendrochronology on the research of relationship between forest with environment. The dendroclimatology and dendroecology were also included in the study based on the principles of tree growth factors. The important techniques including soft X-ray method, image analysis, cross dating, standardization, and response function were introduced. The Taiwanese spruce was illustrated as research material in the paper. Soft X-ray and image analysis were applied to analyze the eight characteristics values of tree ring. The program of Coffecha and CDendro were used in the cross dating procedure in order to calculate the average relationship among the tree ring chronology and check the missing rings among the tree ring series, respectively. The standardization is using the ARS TRA program to eliminate the growth trend among different age of the tree ring in order to acquire the maximum signals. The response function was to study the relationship between tree rings with climate by the principles of growth, then, the effects on the tree ring width were eliminated and the internal and external interferences factor were keep, like competition, wind damage, bio-hazardous factors, and air pollution, for example. |
起訖頁 |
37-50 |
刊名 |
林業研究季刊 |
期數 |
200509 (27:3期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
台灣溪流地景分類與生物指標之建置──以南崁溪、客雅溪、中港溪為例 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
台灣造紙企業導入供應鏈管理動機與目的之研究 |