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Preparation of high-quality ink-jet paper
作者 郭蘭生曾煜文
噴墨印刷由於價廉物美,如雨後春筍般流行全世界。吾人力試在試驗室中做出可比美進口質優噴墨印刷紙。塗佈適當塗料於原紙上之特殊塗佈紙方可印出鮮豔之色彩,並使圖文邊緣銳利才是上質噴墨印刷紙。利用度量英文大寫” I ”字母之原始邊緣長度L1與經噴墨印刷後” I ”字母之長度L2之比值L1/L2之大小可用來評定噴墨印刷紙之印刷圖文邊緣清晰度。紙面塗料中若含聚乙烯醇(PVA),則可獲L1/L2大於0.9之高值,且可比美進口之EPSON質優噴墨印刷紙。此外,吾人經多次試驗得到多孔性顏料PigX,矽化合物及添加一種高分子膠合劑Polyon所製出之塗佈紙可比美進口噴墨印刷紙之印刷性。 Ink-jet printing is a rapidly growing method of communication due to its low primer cost and ability to produce high-quality color reproduction. Accordingly, we strive to develop high-quality ink-jet papers that are compatible with the commercial ink-jet printers on a laboratory scale. Specific coating color applied to the surface of base paper can impart the vivid color through ink jet printing. Edge sharpness of printed area can be evaluated by the ratio of L1/L2 (length of the boundary of alphabet 'I' divided by the length of zigzag or fuzzy edge of printed 'I'). When L1/L2 ratio closing to 1 represents clear edge sharpness. Polyvinyl alcohol-containing coating appreciably improved color density and edge sharpness (LI/L2 ratio > 0.9) while comparing to Epson coated ink-jet printing paper. A specific coating color consisted of Polyon, one kind of synthetic binder, mixing with PigX, a kind of pigment with higher pore area ratio of the surface, and silica gives admirable color density and higher L1/L2 ratio. This color formulation suggests the possibility to prepare good color density and clear edge sharpness of ink-jet printing paper with acceptable levels.
Ink-jet printing is a rapidly growing method of communication due to its low primer cost and ability to produce high-quality color reproduction. Accordingly, we strive to develop high-quality ink-jet papers that are compatible with the commercial ink-jet printers on a laboratory scale. Specific coating color applied to the surface of base paper can impart the vivid color through ink jet printing. Edge sharpness of printed area can be evaluated by the ratio of L1/L2 (length of the boundary of alphabet 'I' divided by the length of zigzag or fuzzy edge of printed 'I'). When L1/L2 ratio closing to 1 represents clear edge sharpness. Polyvinyl alcohol-containing coating appreciably improved color density and edge sharpness (LI/L2 ratio > 0.9) while comparing to Epson coated ink-jet printing paper. A specific coating color consisted of Polyon, one kind of synthetic binder, mixing with PigX, a kind of pigment with higher pore area ratio of the surface, and silica gives admirable color density and higher L1/L2 ratio. This color formulation suggests the possibility to prepare good color density and clear edge sharpness of ink-jet printing paper with acceptable levels.
起訖頁 45-49
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200006 (22:2期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 兩種闊葉樹菌根之研究
該期刊-下一篇 紅檜人工林生產潛能之評估──地位指數曲線式之研究




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