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Establishment of Forestry Funds in Taiwan
作者 羅紹麟童秋霞曾建薰
林業基金設置主要是提供造林、建立林道網、森林防火線、種苗補助、林業貸款等運作經費,中國大陸、法國、日本、俄羅斯、原東德與德國聯邦等實施林業基金之主要國家或地區提供我們一個非常良好之借鑑與參考。特別是林業基金之法制化也提供森林經營之最佳保障,同時使得森林資源保育與利用間取得平衡。另外本研究透過問卷調查74個中央與地方相關經營單位對林業基金之認知,同時討論水權費與回饋金之法律意義與實施準則,並以台灣現況作一探討,研擬林業基金應收之適合費率。 The main purposes of forestry funds are reforestation, establishing forest-lined roads, fire Break, seedling subsidy, and forestry loans. The backgrounds and experiences of forestry funds system or some countries, such as China, France, Japan, Russian Federation, former East Germany and Federal Republic of Germany can offer good references to this study. Especially, legislation of forestry funds was convinced that forest management system should be in sound condition and be achieved the balance between forest resources preservation and utilization. Besides, this study tried to find the cognition of managers of 74 government organizations on forestry funds by questionnaire. It also mentioned the meanings of water use right cost and feedback charges in laws, as well as practice rules. Furthermore, it was calculated the unit cost of water use of current situation of forest in Taiwan for selling up the reasonable rate in the future.
The main purposes of forestry funds are reforestation, establishing forest-lined roads, fire Break, seedling subsidy, and forestry loans. The backgrounds and experiences of forestry funds system or some countries, such as China, France, Japan, Russian Federation, former East Germany and Federal Republic of Germany can offer good references to this study. Especially, legislation of forestry funds was convinced that forest management system should be in sound condition and be achieved the balance between forest resources preservation and utilization. Besides, this study tried to find the cognition of managers of 74 government organizations on forestry funds by questionnaire. It also mentioned the meanings of water use right cost and feedback charges in laws, as well as practice rules. Furthermore, it was calculated the unit cost of water use of current situation of forest in Taiwan for selling up the reasonable rate in the future.
起訖頁 63-78
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 200003 (22:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-上一篇 惠蓀林場小出山闊葉樹次生林植群之生產力與歧異度分析
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣森林生態系經營準則和指標之研擬




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